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两人对话英语口语 关于大学生活的,大概三分钟左右,急! #xE768 我来答 4个回答 #热议# 梦华录有哪些看点? jarodzone 20070623 · TA获得超过1528个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量779 采纳率0% 帮助的人550万 我;Carl Hi My name#39s Carl Nice to meet you Pancho Nice to meet you, too My name is FranciscoCarl What?Pancho Francisco, but all my friends and family back in Peru call me PanchoCarl Okay。

2人英语口语对话2 ATell me a little bit about yourself请介绍一下你自己BMy name is David and I live in Shanghai,I was born in 1980My major was electrical engineering我叫David,住在上海,出身于;鲍勃等等,你还没记我的地址呢,我住在长安街1235号,三栋楼712号房间Bob Wait You don’t have my address I live in Room 712, Building No3, 1235 Chang’ an Street赵好的,再见Zhao Ok。


XLike?YFor example when I was stop by a little case I will feel uneasyXCome on you know it’s just nothing seriousYI know but I justIt’s just out of my controlXYou could;A Me too And i#39m always good at saying myselfB And I#39m also not good at listeningA Rome is not built in a day, as well as learning English To overcome these difficulties, my method is。


Ahi ,man It has been a while since the new life here How do you feel ?B It is much better than what my brother told me He said feshmen here were always doing sth for oldersA Come;两人对话 A Good evening! What can I do for you?B I#39m looking for a pair of black shoesA What size do you want?B Size 10A Sorry, I afraid we haven#39t got any black shoes in that size。

大约花了1小时45分钟Todd OK Do you think you#39ll go back to Las Vegas someday in the future?好的Jeanna Hopefully希望如此Todd OK Great Thanks a lot Jeanna好的谢谢你,吉娜Jeanna You#39;A time no see how are you?BI#39m fine, thanks and you?Aim fine, too how is it going?Beverything is nice Awonderfulyou know nowadays NBA players are quite freeByes,every。


1、你真是太好了,请我来做客I#39m very glad you could come, Mr Liu Will you take a seat at the head of the table? It#39s an informal dinner, please don#39t stand on ceremony Mr Liu, would。

2、三分钟两人英语对话罪与罚 Angelin How are you doing?Julian I#39m ok I wish I could say the same for my friendA What happened to him?J He was arrested by the police for drinking and driving。

3、AHello,JohnLong time no see,what are you doing these days?BHello,MarkI am reading some intereting books at homeAReally?What are they?BThey are books about Chinese historyAHm,hm,Do。

4、英语口语对话范文务必熟记JonesIt wonderful that I have 57 days holidays I want to start a trip, but I don’t know where to go, and I don’t want to stay。

5、plaza hotel, a mile along that road Got itBThen you just go straight on until you see the station ahead of youAOk Got it Thanks for your helpB No problem第三个是关于大学生同居的。


1、AHello,BLong time no seeHow are you?B长时间不见了你怎么样?BI am fine,thank you,and you?我很好,你呢?AI am fine,too我也很好BWhere have you been?I have not seen you for。

2、二人英语对话3分钟带中文一 Mog You like movies?梅格你喜欢看电影吗?Janna Yeah, I think it#39s the best way to relax是啊,我觉得看电影是最好的放松方式M Wbat type do you Iikc bcst?那你喜欢什么。

3、how to live in harmony with others AHello ,Rosy I am thinking about this question BWhat is it relative to me AYeswith everyone BTell meAWhat#39s your opinion about how to live in harmony。

标签: #英语口语两人对话三分钟