
EnglishTutorship 27 0





小学英语《Unit 2 My family》说课稿

  Good afternoon, my dear judges, I’m No.1, it’s my great honor to stand here to share my teaching ideas. My topic is unit2, my family. It consists of several parts, the analysis of teaching material and students, teaching aims, teaching key and difficult points, teaching methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design.

  IAnalysis of teaching material

  Firstly, let’s focus on the teaching material. The lesson I’m going to talk about is from the part‘Let’s learn’, unit2, the second semester of grade 3,PEP Englishfor primary school. The main topic of this unit isfamily. After this lesson, students will know some words aboutmain family members and learn how to correctly ask and express the family relationships.

  IIAnalysis of students

  Secondly, my students are in grade 3 of primary school, so they are active and curious about the new things. Since my students have learned English for half a year, they have some basic English background knowledge, so, I’m going toattach more importance to communicate with them, providing more chances for them to practice English.

  IIIAnalysis ofteaching aims

  Based on the syllabus, I set up 3 teaching aims as follows:

  First one is Knowledge aims

  Students can learn some words of main family members, for example, father, mother, dad,momand learn how to correctly ask and express the family relationships.

  And next is ability aims

  Students can improve their listening and speaking skills through various activities.

  Students can use some expressions about family in daily life.

  The last one is Emotional aims

  After class, my students will be more interested in speaking English.


  IVAnalysis ofkey and difficult points

  The key point of this lesson is to let my students learn somewords of main family members, such as father, mother, momand some expressions about family relationships, “Who’s that man(boy)? He’s my…Who’s that woman (girl)? She’s my…”.

  The difficult point of this lesson is to let students master the pronunciation of the new words, make clear about the relevant expressions and use them naturally in their daily life.

  VAnalysis of teaching and study methods

  According to the teaching aims, I’d like to use communicative approach, task-based teaching method and multimedia method. My students should interact actively with me and become the real host of the class.

  VIAnalysis of teaching procedures

  Let’s come to the most important part, teaching procedures, it includes several parts: warming-up, presentation, practice, production, summary and homework.



  In warming-up, I’ll sing a song called “finger family”for my students, and then ask them to sing it again.“Good morning, boys and girls, before class, I would like to sing a song for all of you here? Please listen to me carefully, OK? Now, are you ready? Let’s go. Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you, here I am, here I am, I love you; Mummy finger, Mummy finger, where are you, here I am, here I am, I love you, Do you like this song? Let’s sing it together!”After this song, I would like to tell them that we should not only love our parents, but also love our brothers, sisters, grandpa, grandma and everybody who loves us. In such a nice atmosphere, it’s good for me to move on to the new lesson.


  Secondly, presentation step, I’ll show the picture of a famous Chinese cartoon Little head father and big head son, I point the man in the picture and ask them “who is he”, they may answer “daddy”, this time, I’ll will show one of new words, father, on blackboard, for example,“we can also say father or dad”, next, I point the woman in the picture and ask them “who is she”, they may answer “mummy”,and then, I’ll show another new word “mother”. I’ll lead them to read after me for twice or three times and in this way my students can understand the words deeply.


  Then, it should be practice step. I’ll set a game to let my students master the usage of the new words. The game is “finger show”, I’ll mark the new words with different numbers, and then I’ll guide my students to play this game. When I show one finger, they should speak out the new word “father”, two fingers, they should react with “mother”, when I show three fingers, they should say “mom”and when I should four fingers, they will say “Dad”. After that, the atmosphere in class can be aroused. Next, I’m going to show fingers faster later to make them clear about those new words. Then, I’ll play the listening material from the book and students could imitate the tone of conversations during the listening, after that they can practice with desk mates for 1 minutes. By doing so, their listening and speaking skills can be improved.


  Let’s go to the production part. I’ll give my students 3minutes to draw their own family photos, and make some conversations about photos with their desk mates, and then I’ll invite several groups to share their dialogues in class. In this way, my students will bemuchclearerabout the new words we have learned today and they will apply these expressions about family in daily life.

  Then, I’ll lead my students to learn the chant from the book to make fun in their English learning. For example, “OK, boys and girls, let’s learn a chant, are you ready? The man is father-tall, tall, tall; the woman is the mother-not so tall; that’s the son-small, small,small; they are the family, one and all!”

  Summary and homework

  Next is summary and homework part. By the end of the class, I’ll do the summary with my students. I’m going to let them read the new words and expressions again to consolidate their pronunciation. As for homework, they need to write the new words and key expressions on the notebooks, I’ll check them next time.

  VIIBlackboard design

  This is my blackboard design, it’s simple but clear.




标签: #初中语文小说课的说课稿