那么,图画作文整体应该怎么写呢? 从历年真题的Directions部分,考生可以看出来,图画作文的写作包含三个方面:一是描述图画(deion);二是解释含义(intended meaning),即图片反映了什么问题;三是发表观点(comment),指出某种现象产生的原因、利弊以及改进的建议等。每个方面可写成一个段落。本文就先来介绍描述图画的段落如何写。图画描述段落的写作方法简单而言,考研大作文的图画描述段落包含“一个引入句型”+“具体描述”,“具体描述”一般写清楚图片中的人在做什么事就好。引入句型的基本意思就是“如图所示……”, 其实这个意思的各种句型考官都看滥了,所以大家不必纠结此句,简单明了地写就行。下面笔者列出可参考的三个句型。
① As is 副词 depicted in the 形容词 cartoon, +句子
例:As is vividly depicted in the thought-provoking cartoon, …
② The 形容词 drawing 副词 portrays a scene in which +句子
例:The compelling drawing graphically portrays a scene in which …
③ In the center of the 形容词 picture 动作1 +主体+ who 动作2 ... (此为地点倒装句)
例:In the center of the enlightening picture stands a football player who is going to shoot the ball.
这些都是可接受的版本,笔者认为它们没有孰优孰劣之分,考生只要在用词方面新颖一点就不错了。考生不要在这里写一些“又长又臭的模板句”,例如: 啊!多么有趣的图啊!/这张图初看很有趣,含义很深刻!/最近网络上的一张图片吸引了我的注意……这些句子除了给评卷人留下凑字数的感觉外没有多大意义。
写完引入句之后,考生就要开始“具体描述”了。描述的内容是什么呢?对于绝大部分图画,考生都可以围绕“谁(主体)做了(动作)什么事”来写。比如,对于2013年的考研写作真题,考生可以这样描述:“一群毕业生(主体)站在(动作)四个不同的选择面前,在思考(动作)自己该如何选择。”在具体描述的时候有几个注意点,务必引起考生重视。1. 图画中某个主体做的动作不止一个,出现多个动作时该如何处理呢?图画中出现多个动作时,考生就需要考虑如何连接不同的动作。如果考生的英语基础较为薄弱,就不要为了句式多样化而使用自己不懂的语法,可以老实地使用and、but、so等并列连词连接几个动作。同时需要注意的是,however、therefore、then等词是副词,考生使用这些副词连接分句时,不能在写完第一个分句后用逗号断开,而应该使用分号或句号断句。对于2013年考研英语(一)大作文的图画,考生可以这样写。
As is depicted in the picture, a group of graduates are standing at the crossroads (站在岔路口) and are confused about what they should do after graduation.
As is depicted in the picture, a group of graduates (who are standing in front of four different paths, namely hunting for a job, continuing to study for a master’s degree, seeking further study abroad, and starting one’s own business) are confused about what they should do after graduation.
在这个句子中,are confused about是主句的谓语动词,are standing是括号中的定语从句的谓语动词。
Standing in front of four different paths, namely hunting for a job, continuing to study for a master’s degree, seeking further study abroad, and starting one’s own business, a group of graduates are really confused about what they should do after graduation.2. 如何在“不同的可写点之间”加上一定的过渡性连接这么多年来,考研作文的图画一般都有两个甚至更多点可写,可否在不同的可写点之间加上一定的过渡性连接句呢?仍以上述2013年真题为例。
第一段的可写点可以列出至少两个:一个是“如图所示,一群毕业生正站在四条不同的路面前(四条路分别是……)”;另一个是“他们感觉很困惑,不知道该选哪一条”。在这两个可写点中,我们可以用类似“What arouses our attention is”(引起我们注意的是)等过渡表达来连接两个可写点,请看下面的例句。
As is depicted in the picture, a group of graduates are standing in front of four different paths, namely hunting for a job, continuing to study for a master’s degree, seeking further study abroad, and starting one’s own business. What arouses our attention is that they seem quite confused about what they should do after graduation.
①The most striking feature of this drawing is that ... (这幅图最明显的特征是……)
②What makes the picture intriguing is that ... (这幅图引人入胜的地方是……)3. 其他与图片主题相关的元素如何处理一幅图画不仅能够反映出“谁在做什么事”,而且能够反映出人物的表情、心理,图片中某个元素或事情甚至还有象征寓意,对于这些元素和内容,考生可以作为补充来写,并非必须要写。仍以2013年的考研写作真题为例,考生可以从以下几个方面来写。
A large group of graduates with bewildered expressions on their faces are standing in front of four different paths …
It is obvious (It seems that) they have not thought about what to do after graduation before.
In addition, there is a caption under the picture which reads “Graduates standing at the crossroads.”
As is depicted in the picture, a group of graduates with bewildered expressions on their faces are standing in front of four different paths, namely hunting for a job, continuing to study for a master’s degree, seeking further study abroad, and starting one’s own business. What arouses our attention is that they do not seem so sure about their future plans and have no idea about which one to choose. In addition, there is a caption under the picture which reads “Graduates standing at the crossroads.”
1. 图片反映了什么
Step 1:高度归纳,归纳图片反映了……的意义(significance of …)/危害(severity of ...)/影响(impact of …)。
例1:Obviously, the artist aims at reminding college graduates of the significance of choosing the right path after graduation.
Step 2:对含义进行具体化,可以用“当今,越来越……”这个经典句型展开。
例2:There is no denying the fact that college graduates in growing numbers, nowadays, are uncertain about their future development.
2. 写原因:为什么会产生这样的问题?为什么……很重要?
例3:Some may blame this phenomenon on the fierce social competition, which makes rewarding employment increasingly difficult to obtain and as a result, graduates hesitate when they have to decide whether they should hunt for a job or seek further study. However, the root cause, I deem, is that schools and families fail to provide students with adequate career development education, by which I mean most college students, if not all, have not set a clear goal during college.
外部原因关键词:progress/advance (of science and technology) (科技)进步;social and economic development 社会经济发展;fierce competition 竞争激烈;improvement in people’s living standards 生活水平提高;purchasing power 购买力;the one-child policy 独生子女政策;the reform and opening-up policy 改革开放政策;(the government’s policies haven't) been strictly enforced 政府措施没得到严格执行;lack the awareness of … 缺乏……的意识;lack proper guidance in 缺乏合适的引导;pursue economic interests 追求经济利益;put self-interest first把个人利益放在第一位。
比如, 2010年写作真题中“文化火锅”的图画反映的是文化交流和融合的主题,考生可以想到“科技发展和改革开放”这一外部原因,但是这还不够,如何作更具体的描述呢?继续想,更直接的原因应该是外国人到中国来的机会增多了,而中国人接触到的西方文化也增多了。考生可以将大的外部原因和更直接的原因结合起来写。请看下面这个范例。
例4:With the advent of an information society as well as China’s implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, foreign friends in ever growing numbers come to visit China or get familiar with Chinese culture through the Internet. Likewise, Chinese people are also widely exposed to various kinds of western culture via various means including travelling abroad, watching movies, reading books and so on. All these conditions promote cultural exchange and integration.
例5:Reasons for such a phenomenon can be listed as follows. (简洁版)
例6:The reasons for this phenomenon may be complicated, but we can, to a large extent, ascribe it to the following interrelated factors. (复杂版)
3. 写影响:有什么好处?有什么危害?
关于“影响”的表达:be favorable/beneficial to/be of (great) benefit to 对……有好处/有益处;have a (positive/negative) impact on 对……有(积极的/消极的)影响;put pressure on 对……形成压力;pose a threat to 对……构成威胁;pose (social and economic) challenges to 对……构成(社会和经济上的)挑战;cast a shadow on 对……蒙上阴影;undermine reputation 破坏声誉;lay a solid foundation for 为……打下坚实的基础;serve as a catalyst for 对……起到促进的作用。
例7:Such a phenomenon undoubtedly casts a pall over young adults’ future development. Considerable evidence indicates that irrational or inappropriate future development plans hinder a young person’s ability to study, find or hold a job.
Obviously, the artist aims at reminding college graduates of the significance of choosing the right path after graduation. However, there is no denying the fact that college graduates in growing numbers, nowadays, are uncertain about their future development. Some may blame this phenomenon on the fierce social competition, which makes rewarding employment increasingly difficult to obtain and as a result, graduates hesitate when they have to decide whether they should hunt for a job or seek further study. However, the root cause, I deem, is that schools and families fail to provide students with adequate career development education, by which I mean most college students, if not all, have not set a clear goal during college. Such a phenomenon undoubtedly casts a pall over young adults’ future development. Considerable evidence indicates that irrational or inappropriate future development plans hinder a young person’s ability to study, find or hold a job.
1. 总结句
例1:It is essential for China to promote cultural development and cultural exchange both nationally and internationally. (2010年“文化火锅”真题)
例2:Such a problem calls for joint efforts made by government, mass media and educators. (适合各类社会性负面话题,比如环境污染、盗版、不尊老等)
例3:Accordingly, the most pressing matter of the moment is to help students set their goals for their own future. (2013年“毕业生的抉择”真题)
2. 建议措施句
例4:For one thing, Chinese people should be more open-minded to absorb cultural essence of different countries, regardless of whether they are developed countries or not. For the other, people should also keep in mind that only by preserving and carrying forwards traditional Chinese culture can we maintain its glamour on the world stage. (2010年“文化火锅”真题)
例5:In my humble opinion, schools and families ought to help students weigh the advantages against the disadvantages of each decision. As for our government, it should make efforts to expand employment and issue favorable policies to support some creative and enterprising students who want to start their own business. (2013年“毕业生的抉择”真题)
1. 有问题找政府:our/local government 当地政府;department concerned 相关部门;make rules and regulations 制定规则与政策;take measures 采取措施;carry out a campaign 发起运动;punish sb. who does sth. 惩罚做某事的人;advocate sth. 提倡某事;warn sb. about sth. 就某事对某人进行警告。
2. 公民的意识要提高:raise/enhance people’s awareness of sth. 提高公民在某方面的认识;take the correct attitude towards sth. 对某事采取正确的态度;adopt a positive attitude towards sth. 对某事采取积极的态度;establish a positive/scientific outlook on sth. 对某事报以积极/科学的态度。
3. 媒体和学校的宣扬:mass media 大众媒体;schools 学校;educators 教育者;convey instructive information about … to … 就某事向……传达有指导性的信息;instruct sb. to do sth.指导某人做某事;bring people’s attention to sth. 使人们关注某事;remind sb. of sth. 就某事提醒某人;to popularize sth./the notion that … 宣传某事或某种观念。
4. 社会风气和氛围:The whole society should forge a wholesome atmosphere to … 整个社会要对……形成健康的氛围;Sth. should be advocated in our society. 某事应在社会得到提倡;Sth. should be publicized. 某事应得到宣传;cultivate social trends of encouraging sth. 形成鼓励某事的社会风气。
Accordingly, the most pressing matter of the moment is to help students set their goals for their own future. In my humble opinion, schools and families ought to help students weigh the advantages against the disadvantages of each decision. As for our government, it should make efforts to expand employment and issue favorable policies to support creative and enterprising students who want to start their own business.
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