
EnglishTutorship 310 0

大学英语口语测试二人对话如下AHello,BLong time no seeHow are you?B长时间不见了你怎么样?BI am fine,thank you,and you?我很好,你呢?AI am fine,too我也很好BWhere have you been;英语教学的最终目的是培养学生使用英语的交际能力对话是英语交际的最基本形式,所以,突破交际难关应先从对话入手我精心收集了二人英语情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!二人英语情景对话1 AI#39m fed up with marriageA我对。

两人英语情景对话短文篇1 M1OkayQuiet!Cameras, zoom in on CarlReady?Lights! Camera! ACTION!M2Elizabeth,this is Matthew Jones Matthew,this is Elizabeth BergF1Hello,MrJones Nice to meet youM3;鲍勃等等,你还没记我的地址呢,我住在长安街1235号,三栋楼712号房间Bob Wait You don’t have my address I live in Room 712, Building No3, 1235 Chang’ an Street赵好的,再见Zhao Ok。

It#39s very nice of you to invite me你真是太好了,请我来做客I#39m very glad you could come, Mr Liu Will you take a seat at the head of the table? It#39s an informal dinner, please;两人日常英语对话1 Ann I want to have a holiday Could you give me some advice?我想去度个假,你能给我些建议吗?Lily What kind of place are you interested?你对什么样的地方有兴趣?Ann EmI like。

XHey guy,What are you doing?Y Nothing justthinkingXAbout what?YI don’t knowSometimes I feel confused only because some kind of mass but it makes me unconfortableXLike?YFor example;两人英语对话In a Western Clothing Store MARTIN Hello, I#39m Martin Learner I phoned this morning I want to speak to the managerMANAGER Good afternoon I#39m the managerMARTIN I#39m happy to meet。



A Hi, Anna, How are you?B I am good I enjoy my life in this university hereA Oh, that souds good Tell me more about itB Well I make many friends here, we always hang out for fun。


三分钟两人英语对话罪与罚 Angelin How are you doing?Julian I#39m ok I wish I could say the same for my friendA What happened to him?J He was arrested by the police for drinking and driving。

简单的两人英语情景对话时尚 A Do you think I still fashionable in this dress?B I think so Blue is still fashionable at the momentA This style came out last year, though I like the dress, but。


1、二人英语对话3分钟带中文一 Mog You like movies?梅格你喜欢看电影吗?Janna Yeah, I think it#39s the best way to relax是啊,我觉得看电影是最好的放松方式M Wbat type do you Iikc bcst?那你喜欢什么。

2、AHello,chunchun BHello,juanAI heard you have been to xi#39an,how do you feel like?BWonderfulAIs there any kind of interesting places? What#39s kind of places have you been?BXi#39an#39s city。

3、急求!三题英语三分钟二人情景对话!1A and B are a coupleThey are making their plan to take a vacationA actually expresses a negative opinion on the place they will and B are parents They。


5、20120617 英语情景对话关于谈恋爱多久适合结婚,两人对话,大概四分钟左右 3 20131126 急求英语口语情景对话,关于时间的,大约3到5分钟,五个人的 4 20110922 急求一篇英语口语考试三人对话,四分钟左右 1 20140108。

6、很抱歉,没有看到你三分钟的要求我帮你找了一篇比较合适的,而且应你的要求,帮你做了翻译,希望可以帮到你都是我一个字一个字敲出来的哦Dave and Peter are college classmates as well as good friends They。

标签: #英语情景对话两人日常三分钟