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三人英语对话范文1英语三人对话M Hey ,John Would you like to play basketball with me ?J Oh,MarkI#39m sorryM打断说no ,please don#39t say no Don#39t you agree that basketball is a sport attr。

三人英语对话1 隔壁搬来一家人,也有一个小男孩Matt 和Amy正打算去认识一下他Amy Matt, look, that boy is our new neighbor Can we play with him?Matt, 快看,那个男孩是我们的新邻居我们能和他一块。

英语口语对话1 A How are you guysgetting on with your English learning these days?B I am making quitea good progressC Me too, I am notdoing at all bad, actually, how about yourselfA No。

A How are you B I#39m fine C I am also BA,how about you and your boyfriend A just so so C B, What is an ideal girlfriend or boy friend for you?B My boyfriend must be sincere for。

三个人的英语对话一A How are you B I#39m fine C I am also BA,how about you and your boyfriend A just so so C B, What is an ideal girlfriend or boy friend for you?B My boyfriend。

AWelcome to our Sunday TV show As usual, let me introduce myself first I am Kevin And my favorite TV stat is Kevin It’s me I am only jokingNow, let’s begin our TV show Today we。

Linda Good morning sir what can I do for you?Robbie Good morning My name is Robbie StewartAnd this is Alex PappasAlex Hi Good morning Yesterday we found dog named GemmaRobbie We have。


A Hello, can you speak English?B Yes, what can I do for you?A Oh, good I want to go to HongXing primary school, can you tell me the way?B Sorry I#39m not very clear There is a。

DIALOGUE 1 A Why is it that some people are always buying beyond their means? I mean, they do not make that much and spend half of their incomes on designer clothes as suchB My theory is that。

我从Arnold Lobel的小故事quotCookiesquot找到灵感,写下这段对话感觉挺有意义的 Will power意志力 MikeM DannyC, TommyTclassmates Scenein the college dorm Danny is playing a computer game on his laptop Tommy。

十分钟Do you have any interests and hobbies?Are you involved in any extracurricular课外的 activities on campus?Make a dialogue based on the questions mentioned aboveA Hey, What are you doing?B。

英语三人情景对话 题目Will power意志力 人物MikeM DannyC,TommyTclassmates 背景Scenein the college room Danny is playing a computer game on his laptopTommy is sleepingMike came bac。

如下A Are you enjoying your time at university?B It#39s okay, but not as much as I expectedC Really? Why not?B I thought that the subjects would be easy, and I would have lots of time to。

bhello,amyahello,boblhi,i am lucyalucy,which pet do you like?li like dogsboh,the dog is people#39s good friendlyes,they are very loyal to peoplebamy,what pet do you like best。

A Tu Mao, I#39m hungry, let#39s get something to eat屠茂,我饿了,去吃点东西吧B Me too Ann, do you know is there a place nearby that we can get something to eat?我也饿了,安,你知道这。

A你好 hellohi 楼主自己选,hi更亲近一点B你好,好久不见呀Hihello, long time no see 这句话我在美国老外经常对我说的,绝对正确且口语化C你好hellohi A过得还好吗How#39s going?BC不错呀很好啊。

标签: #三人英语口语对话