1、开展英语情景对话教学,离不开教师对情景的精心创设,才能帮助学生理解对话内容,达到学以致用的目的下面是大学英语口语对话范文,一起来了解下吧大学英语口语对话范文AGood morning, sir Have a seat pleaseA先生,早上好,请坐BI would like to know the state of the residential property market rig;A 那么,也许我可以帮忙跑跑腿或者做些其他事情B 如果你需要的话,我可以让你帮忙A 我觉得只是无所事事地待在这里真是太没用了B 别担心过不了多久,事情就会很多,到时候你会怀念这些悠闲的日子A 我想我就是个工作狂我从来不是一个擅长无所事事的人B 也许你应该学会如何;日常英语口语对话范文一 ClerkGood morning Wilson AssociationBrownThis is Mr Brown speaking Irsquod like to speak to Mr ThomasClerkIrsquom sorry, but Mr Thomas left here just a few minutes agoBrownIrsquove been trying to call him for the last;口语对话 1 赶时兴go after fashionA Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 古装扮演行将降临,我很兴奋B Are there any good!这有什么好的A I didn#39t see anything wrong with the clothes they looked pretty nice to me I think you don’t like it! Why;关于团队合作的英语口语对话如下一Audrey how#39s your new job going?你的新工作怎么样?Hayden really well, thanks真的#39不错,谢谢二A how are you finding your new boss?你的新上司人怎么样?H she#39s not bad She#39s a bit bossy, but I#39m sure I#39ll get usedto her;给你三篇,你自己选一篇吧一A Are you crazy about sports?B Certainly, I am a super sports fanA Which is your favourite sport then?B Almost all the ball games such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, badminton, table tennis,etc How about you?A I#39m too lazy to go;对话1提供 和应答 Offers and responses 1 May I help you? Oh yes, thank you2 Let me help you with the bags Well, I can manage all right Thanks just the same3 Can we help you? I want to go to hospital But I can‘t My leg hurts4;有关交通的英语口语情景对话 Part One Expressions 1Can#39t you see there#39s a line?你没有看到有一条线吗2 You haven#39t taken the bus before?你以前没有坐过公车3 Besides, you should let old people on first除此之外,你该让老人先上车4 Excuse me, how do I get;1 Hello, my name is Peter, nice to meet you Hello, my name is Mike, nice to meet you too2 Where are you from? I am from China, what about you?3 How are you doing? I am doing fine, thank you!4 What are you doing Peter? I am reading5。
2、日常英语口语对话 对话一1Hold on 等一下口语中,人们不太用 wait a minute 如果两人辩论,吵架,抬杠,你要别人“打住”,可以说,hold it right there2I hate his guts 我最讨厌他也有说 I hate him gutsGuts 是肠子,相当于“恨之入骨”的意思He doesn’t have much gut;英语日常用语中,问候语是基础,例如“Hello! Hi!”,用于打招呼“Good morning afternoon evening!”,根据不同时间段使用“I’m Kathy King”,介绍自己的名字“Are you Peter Smith?”,询问对方身份当询问他人状况时,可以使用“How are you?”,得到回答“Fine, thanks;2分钟简短的英语口语对话Shmm Hello! My name#39s Simon Are you a new student?西蒙你好,我是杰克你是新生吗?Daisy Yes I am l#39m Daisy Nicc to meet you黛西是的我是黛西很高兴见到你S Nice to meet you too How are you liking college Iife?很高兴见到你你;现在英语已经渗透入各行各业,想要一份理想的工作,一定要学好英语我在此献上常用的英语口语,希望对大家有所帮助日常简单实用英语口语 1Did you enter the contest?你参加比赛了吗?2 Do you accept credit cards?你们收信用卡吗?3 Donrsquot cry over spilt milk不要做无益的后悔;对话1 Sophie Does your mother work?Billy Yes, she doesSophie What does your mother do?Billy She#39s a dentistBilly What about your mother?Sophie My mother is a housewifeBilly Sounds good! I don#39t like working momsSophie Why?Billy My mother is always。
3、大学两分钟左右的英语口语对话杨 Yesterday I got one message from your , it said you wanted to borrow some money昨天我收到你的信息,说你想借点钱李 Really? It must be a scamMy has been stolen last week真的吗?肯定是诈骗,我的上周就被盗了杨 I also;简单英语口语对话1LindaHello! Who is speaking?JohnHello! This is John I want to speak to LindaLindaThis is herJohn Hi, Linda Irsquom just calling to invite you to a dinner party tomorrow eveningLindaReally? What time and where?John 730 pm, at。
4、英语的学习需要一个长期积累的过程中,在学习的过程中要养成良好的学习习惯真正的学好英语就要掌握听,说,读,写几个方面下面是我给大家分享的一些在家中常用的英语口语对话,大家可以作为学习的参考,早晨好!,Good morning,Good morning, John 早晨好,约翰,Good morning, mom 早晨好。
5、1Come and get it!开饭啦!这句直译为“来端菜!”it是指“做好了的饭菜”,全句的意思是“饭做好了,来吃吧!”是母亲常说的话2Where are you from?你来自哪里I#39m from China我来自中国3How old are you?你多大了I#39m twenty years old我20了4Where is your ho。
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