
EnglishTutorship 70 0

二级公共英语等级考试口语经典对话参考1 A He has a real skill when it comes to diplomacyB Do you know what his technique is that makes him so skilled?A It’s a natural gift He just knows how to deal with people effectivelyB I have seen him network at social event。

二级英语口语考试考法如下1初次见面时向别人提供个人信息如姓名出生地职业家庭等见后面25 mins根据信息卡内容就具体事实互相问答信息涉及日常生活娱乐和社会活动口语考官分别递给2个考生卡片A和B要求两人用英语交流自己卡上的信息,不得看对方的卡片,不得使用中文。

M Good morning, Miss LiW Morning, MikeM I’m sorry that I was absent yesterdayW I’ve already got your certificate for sickleave How do you feel today?M I feel much better nowW Have you received the reading material handed out yesterday?M I’ve already。


minor degrees based on your good command of your own major So, good luck, friends I am going to the libary to study English now 好啦,我还是坚持要学好专业 不过在专业学好的基础上,得到职业训练和多学位也是好事 祝你们好运,我也去图书馆学习英语去了。


A Hello, B Do you have any plan for this weekend?B Not yet Any suggestion?A I#39d like to invite you to see a stage play, a famaous stage play, Thunderstorm by CaoyuB That#39s great I have heard about it And I have been wanting to see it for a long time。

你好,这些是我自己写的,不保证一点错误都没有但是应付一般的口语考试应该没有问题,我考试就是这么说的希望这些能对你有帮助1购物 AGood morning,madamsirWhat can I do for you?BYes,I#39d like to buy a coatAWell,which style would you like?BNot very fationableA。

AHI!Lily,I have not seen you for a long time! I heard that you took a English class,on your ground,what is important in learning English?BThe progress is wonderful,but i can not understand answer the questions sometime,like what should we do to show our love to parents。


1张勇你好,凯特,很高兴认识你,凯特我也一样,张勇你有什么爱好吗比如音乐,或者是运动凯特我从小特别喜欢音乐,而且最喜欢的是迈克杰克逊的我还有他的专辑,不如放学后来我家听听,怎么样张勇那太好了,就这么定了Zhang yong hello, Kate, nice to meet you, Kate。

我的名字是***今年23岁, 出生在青岛我毕业于河北科技大学我的本科专业是英语并且得到了学士学位我还在河北师范大学学习审计我对英语很有兴趣并且很努力地学习我已经通过了TEM8, BEC的考试我曾在一家美国公司工作在那段时期,我经常与美国人进行交流,因此我的口语进步了很多I am。

1What is your name?My name is are you from?I#39m from are old youI#39m 18 years many people are there in you family?There are they are?My father,my mother,my older brother and long have you been China。

服务生Good afternoon Can I help you ?妻子Yes, I would like a cup of tea服务生OK And what can I do for you, sir ?丈夫What kind of drink tastes the best ?服务生They are black coffee and milkchocolate Which one do you prefer ?丈夫Both of them sound great。

呵呵,楼主,够三分钟的对话了,再写的话我倒怕你会临场忘记台词期待着你的采纳第一篇我复制粘贴过来再稍作修改,第二篇我自己写的,可能有错漏,你看看有没有用 What is Courage AHave you ever heard of the phrase quotfortune favors the boldquot?Byeah,i haveit is a quote on。

4 making friends in the university 三人在校园相遇的对话人物 Xiao Ling X, Yani,Y SongtaoS地点 校园 Xiao Ling is on her way to the dormitory She drops a book and Yani and Songtao who happen to be right behind her, pick up the book and give it back to her。

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