
EnglishTutorship 56 0

A 那么,也许我可以帮忙跑跑腿或者做些其他事情B 如果你需要的话,我可以让你帮忙A 我觉得只是无所事事地待在这里真是太没用了B 别担心过不了多久,事情就会很多,到时候你会怀念这些悠闲的日子A 我想我就是个工作狂我从来不是一个擅长无所事事的人B 也许你应该学会如何;二级公共英语等级考试口语经典对话参考1 A He has a real skill when it comes to diplomacyB Do you know what his technique is that makes him so skilled?A It’s a natural gift He just knows how to deal with people effectivelyB I have seen him network at social event;自创,希望帮到你,10,英语口语考试对话,求简单的双人对话两人一共十句 方向 1你想要去的地方,为什么旅行2描述了当地的风景自然风光自然风光和文化景观文化景观自然风光低山丘陵,春季瀑布,森林森林谷,峡谷,湖湖泊文化景观寺寺庙,塔塔,桥桥;大学英语口语测试二人对话如下AHello,BLong time no seeHow are you?B长时间不见了你怎么样?BI am fine,thank you,and you?我很好,你呢?AI am fine,too我也很好BWhere have you been?I have not seen you for several days这段时间你都到哪去了,我好几天。

日常英语口语对话范文一 ClerkGood morning Wilson AssociationBrownThis is Mr Brown speaking Irsquod like to speak to Mr ThomasClerkIrsquom sorry, but Mr Thomas left here just a few minutes agoBrownIrsquove been trying to call him for the last;英语口语对话中的常用语包括打招呼自我介绍询问信息表达意见和道别等不同类别例如,“Hello!”你好,“My name is name”我叫name,“Excuse me, where is the place?”请问,地点在哪里等掌握这些常用语有助于更好地进行英语口语对话交流,而多多练习则是;大学里,我们会遇到很多场合,但往往不知道应该用英语准确表达自己的意思,下面是大学两分钟左右的英语口语对话,一起来了解下吧大学两分钟左右的英语口语对话杨 Yesterday I got one message from your , it said you wanted to borrow some money昨天我收到你的信息,说你想借点钱李。

我的名字是***今年23岁, 出生在青岛我毕业于河北科技大学我的本科专业是英语并且得到了学士学位我还在河北师范大学学习审计我对英语很有兴趣并且很努力地学习我已经通过了TEM8, BEC的考试我曾在一家美国公司工作在那段时期,我经常与美国人进行交流,因此我的口语进步了很多I am;常用英语口语对话句子 导语常用英语涉及范围全面,内容充实,语言规范通俗,适用面广,实用性强,下面是我给大家整理的常用英语口语对话句子内容,希望能给你带来帮助!1I#39m an office worker 我是上班族2I work for the government 我在政府机关做事3I#39m happy to meet you 很高兴;篇二关于常用英文情景口语对话 汤姆 Professor Lee, could I ask you some questions?李教授,我能问你些问题吗?李教授 Sure当然汤姆 What is the assignment?请问作业是什么?李教授 Oh, I have told you last week哦,我上个星期就告诉你们了啊汤姆 I am sorry, because I;H Looks like you’re not going to get more than a bedroom in a shared flat with thatL Really? That’s a lot of money to pay for one roomH Well, if you want to live in London, you have to pay the price!L Do you know of anyone who needs a roommate?H I;目前,对于中国大多数专业的大学生而言,英语依旧是一门必修的课程,而英语口语的学习则更是具有相当大的交流实用性质我整理了,欢迎阅读!一 MaryHey, fast food could be bought at the gas station in the near future嘿,加油站马上就有快餐卖了JohnOh, that would be more convenient for;简单英语口语对话1LindaHello! Who is speaking?JohnHello! This is John I want to speak to LindaLindaThis is herJohn Hi, Linda Irsquom just calling to invite you to a dinner party tomorrow eveningLindaReally? What time and where?John 730 pm, at。


大学英语口语对话范文AGood morning, sir Have a seat pleaseA先生,早上好,请坐BI would like to know the state of the residential property market right now because I have anapartment tosellB我想知道目前住宅物业的市场情况,因为我想把我的住宅出售ASure, here is my business card;简单商务英语口语对话一A I don#39t believe we#39ve metB No, I don#39t think we haveA My name is Chen SunglimB How do you do? My name is Fred SmithA 我们以前没有见过吧?B我想没有A我叫陈松林B您好,我是弗雷德?史蜜斯简单商务英;英语二级口语其实并不难,总体来说,内容简单易懂整个考试分为三个部分第一部分是自我介绍,这部分要求考生简单地介绍一下自己第二部分是回答考官的问题,问题通常围绕着个人的兴趣爱好,比如你的兴趣爱好是什么,家里有多少人等第三部分是考生需要拿到一张提问卡片,和搭档进行对话例如,如果;对话1提供 和应答 Offers and responses 1 May I help you? Oh yes, thank you2 Let me help you with the bags Well, I can manage all right Thanks just the same3 Can we help you? I want to go to hospital But I can‘t My leg hurts4。

标签: #英语口语二级常用对话