雅思口语PART 1题型解析今天推出第二弹:How often /usually 类题型
1. Howoften /usually题,本质上是考核考生对于频率的表述能力。所以对于常见的频率副词的掌握是最基本的要求。下面我就替大家总结归纳一些常用的频率词汇。
经常Always, Usually, Frequently 大致概率 80%-90%
有时Sometimes, Occasionally, 大致概率50%
很少seldom 大致概率20%-30%
从不Never 大致概率 0%
Once in a blue moon,是英文中表示频率极低,几乎不会出现或者发生的一则短语。大家也可以使用在口语表达中。例句:We are busy with our work, so we only see our son once in a bluemoon. 我们都忙于工作,我们很少有机会看见我们的儿子。
2. Howoften /usually题,有一种答题思路要推荐给大家。“It depends on…”法则。我来举一个非常down to earth(接地气)的例子
How often do you eat in restaurants/when do you usually eat in restaurants?
A. 这得看我的“预算”: “budget”
B. 如果钱“充裕”:have a “fortune”,比如在学期初,我会经常去餐厅吃点好东西,例如必胜客,日本料理什么的;
C. 如果到了学期末,身边没多少钱了,我就只能勒紧裤腰带了tighten my belt。
3. 大家有没有留意到,我在上面的答案中使用了两处“如果…就…”的句型?这是非常明面的条件状语从句。在口语考试中自然熟练地使用相对复杂的句式是高分的一个显著特点,所以大家一定要积极创造机会去使用各种从句。
A. Well. It depends on my “budget”.
B. If I have a “fortune”, (like), at the beginning of the turn, I will go to the restaurants frequently, to eat pizza, sashimi…you name it.
C. But, if the end of the turn comes, I have to tighten my belt. What I mean is that I will seldom go there.
You name it :Whatever you can think of (used to express the extent or variety of something)
Tighten my belt:勒紧裤腰带
“budget”, “fortune”这两个单词加了引号使用,是口语表达中的“大词小用”现象,可以让口语表达更传神。
What do you usually do when are alone?
1. Honestly, I am not a social person, so I enjoy the “quiet time” in my life.
2. When it comes to the things I often do when I am alone, I want to say that it depends onthe weather.
3. If the weather permits, I will always do some outdoor exercise, like jogging or cycling. If it rains, I will stay at home, reading will be the best choice.
第一部分,自然过渡句,a social person 的意思是喜欢社交,既外向的人。
第二部分,使用“it depends on…”法则,合情合理地告知对方,空闲做什么这得看天气情况如何。
A social person 爱社交之人
The weather permits 天气允许
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