1 问候 Good morningafternoonevening Good evening Hello Hi How are you? Fine, thank you, and you?2 问候某人 Best wishesregards to sb Please give my regardsbest wisheslove to Tom Please remember me to Tom Say hello to Tom3 很高兴。
1How are you doing?你好吗2How#39s life treating you?日子过得还算惬意吗3What#39s up?有什么新鲜事儿4How#39s everything?一切都好5Nice to meet you很高兴见到你6I hope we#39ll meet again some time希望不久后能再见到你7pleased。
英语朋友问候对话1 1 Nice to meet you, Li Lan很高兴认识你,李岚Nice to meet you, Wu Min很高兴认识你,吴敏Nice to meet you, Wang Juan很高兴认识你,王娟2 Good morning, Byron您早,拜伦!Good morning, Cherry您早,琦瑞Good morning, Steve您早, 史蒂夫3。
1 Hello, my name is Peter, nice to meet you Hello, my name is Mike, nice to meet you too2 Where are you from? I am from China, what about you?3 How are you doing? I am doing fine, thank you!4 What are you doing Peter? I am reading5。
二人对话的英文小笑话篇一 quotCan you tell me what fish net is made, Ann?quotquotA lot of little holes tied together with stringsquot replied the little girlldquo你能告诉我鱼网是什么做的吗,安?rdquo老师发问道 ldquo把许多小孔用绳子栓在一起就成了鱼网了rdquo小女孩回答道。
1 IGood morning ,everyone! My name is Lily , I’m honored for this interview B Good morning ,let’s calm down then we ‘ll start our question Why are you interested in working for our company?IBecause your operations are global, so I feel I can gain the most。
1Good morningafternoon,evening2HelloHiHow are you?Fine,thank you,and you?very well,thank you 3GladPleased to meet you hereagainNiceGlad,Pleased to meetsee me,what#39s your full name,please?My name is Li bye!Byebye。
关于两人简单的英语对话篇一 T hi, Bettywhat#39s up?你好,贝蒂最近怎么样?B nothing special how about you? Are you used to the life here in the States?一切如故你呢?在美国生活得还习惯吗?T evertything has been fine for the past several months这几个月都挺好的B。
1I have left my key in my room, and now i cannot get in could you open the door for me?我把钥匙落在了屋里,进不了屋,你能帮我把门打开吗?That#39s what i am here for我来这儿就是干这个的2How much do you charge?多少钱?One hundred and fifty一百五3John。
1maryexcuse me what time does the next bus for boston leave?打搅一下,请问下一班到波士顿的公共汽车是几点开?peterit leaves at 830在8点半开车2maryi see are there any seats available?我明白了,还有空位吗?peterjust s moment, please yes, you can have a。
Good morning!Good morning!How are you?Fine,thank youHow about you?I#39m fineIt#39s a nice day,isn#39t it?YeahBut the weather reporter said it would rain heavily in the afternoonOh,that#39s not coolI didn#39t bring my ,eitherBut maybe it will notMaybe,I。
简单求职面试英语对话 英语在我们一些的工作岗位上是非常重要的,需要熟练掌握好这一门语言,所以在面试的时候都会以英语的形式来考研求职者下面是我整理收集的求职面试英语对话,欢迎阅读参考你对目前从前的工作单位有何贡献我已经完成个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在这份工作上你怎么认为你对。
AHello,TomWhat is in your hand?BOh,it#x27s a kiteAWhat can we do with it?BIt#x27s a kind of games,and it#x27s interestingACan you show me how to play with it?BSureCome with meNow you see?AOh,it#x27s flying!How interesting!B。
3how have you been4How is the weather5where is the 6excuse me,nature calls表达自己要上厕所文艺的说法,还有类似的I want to anwser the call from nature7merry christmas 8I beg your pardon 9It is very glad to meet you 10what a beautiful girl11Le。
在英语课堂中在英语课堂中,为学生创设真实的语言情景,让学生在情境中感知理解并运用语言,对于激发学习兴趣趣,培养学生的跨文化交际意识和语言运用能力尤为重要我精心收集了两个人的简单英语对话,供大家欣赏学习! 两个人的简单英语对话篇1 Todd So, Shuan, you took a cruise and the cruise left the。
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