一吃午饭 BoBoI#39m hungry,Mom妈妈,我饿了Is lunch ready?午餐准备好了吗?MomYesWash your hands first好了先去洗手BoBoWhat#39s good for lunch?中午有什么好吃的?MomBeef,eggs and tomatoes牛肉鸡蛋和西红柿BoBoAre there any noodles?有面条吗?MomYesThere is。
大学英语口语对话范文AGood morning, sir Have a seat pleaseA先生,早上好,请坐BI would like to know the state of the residential property market right now because I have anapartment tosellB我想知道目前住宅物业的市场情况,因为我想把我的住宅出售ASure, here is my business card。
杨 Yesterday I got one message from your , it said you wanted to borrow some money昨天我收到你的信息,说你想借点钱李 Really? It must be a scamMy has been stolen last week真的吗?肯定是诈骗,我的上周就被盗了杨 I also think so, so I just cancelled。
整理了一些简单的英语口语对话范文如下MI have come here for the interview for Administrative assistant by appointment Nice to meet you我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你INice to meet you ,tooPlease Take a seat我也是,请坐MThank you!谢谢IIWhat is your name, please。
1 Todd OK Steven, you#39re looking at a picture Please describe what you see!Steven Uh, I can see a red double decker bus It#39s the kind of bus you#39ll see very often in London In fact I know this bus is from London because I can see the names Chelsea, Sloan。
英语面试口语情景对话 篇1 通常在面试时,英语面试对话如下A求职者 B面试官AExcuse meMay I see Mr John Watt,the manager?劳驾请问我能见经理约翰瓦特先生吗?BIt is meWhat can I do for you?本人就是你有什么事?BMay I help you?你有什么事吗?AI have come。
我能约你出去吗?Can I ask you out?出去吃个饭好吗?Would you like to go to dinner?你愿意今晚跳舞去吗?Would you like to go dancing tonight?今天上午你有安排吗?Do you have plans for this morning?周六晚上你有空吗?Are you free Saturday evening?这个周末你有什么事吗?What are you。
1I had an amusing experience last year After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town On the way, a young man waved to me I stopped and he asked me for a lift As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning。
雅思英语口语对话场景是考试的重要部分,考查考生口语与实际应用能力以下场景及准备策略1 自我介绍与问候,如quotHi, my name is Sarah Nice to meet you!quot2 家庭话题,如quotI have two younger sisters One is studying to be a doctor and the other is an artistquot3 谈论爱好与。
英语对话课就是给学生们提供一个面对面进行英语交流的机会,培养学生用英语进行口语交际的能力我整理了小学英语两人对话短文,欢迎阅读!小学英语两人对话短文篇一 Scene 1场景1 DriverWhere do you want to go?司机您想去哪儿?SamI#39m going to the hospital山姆我要去医院DriverGet in。
随着对英语口语高级人才需求的增加,英语口语课被摆到了一个重要的位置我精心收集了大学两人英语对话短文,供大家欣赏学习!大学两人英语对话短文1 SerenityHi, waiter Can you come over here?嗨,服务员能麻烦过来下吗?WaiterOf course, what is the matter, sir?好的,什么事,先生?Sere。
JohnAre you going to BeidaiHe this weekend?这个周末去北戴河玩吗LilyI#39d rather not The sun is so st 0 JohnAre you going to BeidaiHe this weekend?这个周末去北戴河玩吗LilyI#39d rather not The sun is so strong there and I don#39t wanna get burnt by it我可不想。
口语对话 1 赶时兴go after fashionA Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 古装扮演行将降临,我很兴奋B Are there any good!这有什么好的A I didn#39t see anything wrong with the clothes they looked pretty nice to me I think you don’t like it! Why。
为了提高英语口语能力,在英语对话的话题选择上最好多样化一些下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!兑现支票 M Hello, may I help you?W Yes, I need some more cash for my visit in China May I cash a traveler’s check here?M Of course We would be happy to cash it for。
雅思英语口语对话场景20篇是雅思考试重要评估部分,侧重口语与实际语用能力接下来,我们将详细介绍这20个场景及其准备策略场景1自我介绍与问候,准备基础语句如“Hi, my name is Sarah Nice to meet you!”等场景2家庭讨论,涉及家庭成员职业与兴趣,如“我有两个妹妹,一个正在学医,另一。
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