
EnglishTutorship 570 0

1、Sunshine阳光Sunshine is not only from the sun but also from our hearts阳光不止来自太阳,也来自我们的心Having sunshine in heart we can see the bright side of the world心里有阳光,我们可以看到世界美好。

2、优秀的英语朗诵短文篇1 Acountry maid was walking along with a can of milk uponher head, when she fell into the following train ofreflectionsThe money for which I shall sell this milk willenable me to increase my st。

3、One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can”“We will see about that,” said the sun “I will let you try。

4、以下是我为大家整理的关于英语朗诵短文13分钟,给大家作为参考,欢迎阅读! 英语朗诵短文13分钟篇1Be Happy! “The days that make us happy make us wise”John Masefield when I first read this line by England’s。

5、经典的英语朗读短文篇1 为梦想而活 If you want success in business or in life, you need to start living your life based on your dreams, not your circumstances The most successful people in the world know that the。

6、适合七年级朗读的英语短文清理心灵的空间 Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion mdashlike stress, anger or frustration1 What was going through your mind? Was your mind crowded with thou。

7、我整理了关于3分钟英语朗诵短文,欢迎阅读! 关于3分钟英语朗诵短文篇一 A woman named Emily renewing her driver#39s license atthe County Clerk#39s office was asked by the womanrecorder to state her occupation She hesitated。

8、关于1分钟英语短文The Old Cat An old woman had a catThe cat was very old she could not run quickly,and she could not bite,because she was so oldOne day the old cat saw a mouse she jumped。

9、event in my life i have had many important event in my life so far when i look back, the most dangers one is that day i almost diedwhen i was young i lived on the coastthere was a beath。

10、The Naughty Boy There was a naughty boy,有一个顽皮的孩子,And a naughty boy was he,顽皮的孩子就是他,He ran away to Scotland 他离家到苏格兰去 The people for to see 去看那边的人们 Then he found。

11、4种有用的英语朗读技巧 1 疾速泛读fast extensive reading平常要养成疾速泛读的习气这里讲的泛读是指普遍阅读很多触及分歧范畴的书本,要求读得快,了解和把握书中的首要内容就可以了要确定一个明白的念书定额。

12、英语美文 All that is beautiful 上 第一篇a grain of sand 一粒沙子 william blake威廉布莱克 to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild fllower, hold infinity in the palm of。

13、英语短文 一般来说英语短文词数在一千以内,类似于小杂文,随笔以以下10篇为例 1LearningA Lifelong Career 学习一生的事业学习无止境,只有努力,努力,再努力,才会成功 As food is to the body, so is learning to th。


14、the spring festival is important tradional festival in our nationthe spring festival is very livelyon the eve of the spring festival we will clean the house,we will make dragon dance on spring festival and。

15、Too Polite礼貌过头了There are many people in the bus Some have seats, but some have to不得不 stand At a bus stop, a woman gets on the bus An old man hears the door and tries 试着 to。

16、Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽 Once upon a time, there was a little girl Her name was Little Red Riding Hood One day, her grandma was ill Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her On the way。


17、这是我很喜欢的一篇文章而且不是很难,希望你能喜欢 追随你的梦想 Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heart Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still。

18、6There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years One of the problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soilTo protect the environment, governments of many countries have。

标签: #适合朗读的英语小短文