1、1 我想去国外,因为我喜欢旅行,而且我很喜欢在旅行的时候拍照片,并配上文字,以此纪念那个时光2 我特别想去巴黎,因为我喜欢浪漫,希望这不是一个梦,而是我的下一步行动3 I want to go abroad because I enjoy traveling During my trips, I take a lot of pictures and accompany。
2、英语口语常见话题 1 1Talk about the inventions There are many inventions in the world Most of them are very useful And the most useful invention is” bulb”Bulbs give the light to the people And many many yeas ago , Cailun invented the paper and it is used by many people now。
3、Why? 英语口语考试话题十五 购物Shopping 1How much is your jacketshirtskirt? 2Is there a supermarket near your home? 3Where did you buy your pen? 4Do you like going shopping? Why? 英语口语考试话题十六 娱乐和运动Entertainment and sports 1Can you sing an English song。
4、好的,我会按照您的要求回答关于英语口语考试的话题话题环境污染与保护 答案环境污染已成为全球性的重大问题对此,每个人都有责任参与到环境保护中来我们应当从日常生活中的小事做起,如减少使用一次性塑料制品节约用水垃圾分类等同时,政府和企业也应当承担起责任,制定并执行更严格的环保。
5、1 时间Please talk about the importance of time What’s your view on it?time is money, what do you think of it A proverb says,quotTime is moneyquot But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money Why? Because when money is spent, we can earn it back。
6、1Do you often help your parents do chores?Why or why not?I often help my parents do chores because they both workThey not only work but also take care of me carefully,do some shopping and so onThey are very busy and tiredI am fifteen years old I should think of。
7、话题一A I have a question, people today always find themselves in a rush, what do you think are the reasons?B I think one of the reasons is because today we exchange information in a very fast speed, it pushes people to respond to everything fastC I agree, phones。
8、英语口语讨论话题举例如下话题 暗恋Were you a secret admirer for someone?How was your feeling?How do you think about secret love?What is real love in your opinion?话题写博客Do you have your own blog?How do you think about writing the blog?What kind of content would you。
9、话题一个人情况Personal information能够向他人介绍个人的基本情况姓名年龄出生日期家庭成员电话号码爱好邮箱地址外貌特征和自己的生活情况等,并能够写出自己简单的基本情况能够听懂他人的有关个人信息,并且记录简单信息话题二家庭Family and home能够介绍家庭成员姓名。
10、第2个话题AI just got an exciting computer game,why don‘t you come this weekend so that we can play togetherB Well,I would love toBut you know that you are falling behind others,so maybe it is time for you to focus on real business in collegeA Oh,you。
12、Everybody have different opinions about seatbelts, some people think it is not necessary because there#39s rarely usage of it, but some people think it is necessary because they think its for their own safety I think it is necessary and essential to wear a seatbelt, it is about。
13、关于科技的英语口语话题如下一新科技对我们日常生活的影响 1What impact has new technology had on our daily lives?2How has technology changed the way we communicate with each other?3Are we becoming too reliant on technology?二人工智能和机器学习 1What is your opinion on。
14、1What’s your opinion of “the cycle of life”?The continuing cycle of life, that is new life born and death is the reality of man’s existence We should be brave and calm when we face deathIt is very normal there are numerous people die for many reasons and babies。
15、25Have you ever cheated on exams or thought of cheating on exams? What are the reasons? No, I#39ve never cheated in exams But to be honest I once thought of doing it That#39s a maths exam which I am not good at, I#39m afraid of not passing it, so I consider maybe。
16、For the first question,my answer is yesGenerally speaking,the higher education a person received,the more service he will do for the societyIn the education process,you must see or learn how other people do social serviceAnd then,you will do the same thing as themAfter a。
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