
EnglishTutorship 20 0

接待员 Good morning, madam What can I do for you? 早上好我能为你做点什么吗? 盖比 Yes, this is my first time to the city The taxi driver picked me up and sent me to your hotel 是的这是我第一次到中国来出租车司机带我到这里把我送到你们酒店来 接待员。

JasonYes How are you,AnnaAnnaI am fine What have you been doingJasonWorking I have been really busy these days I got a promotionAnnaThat is great,congratulations翻译如下Anna你好,我是安娜Jason嘿,安娜,我是詹森Anna詹森你最近躲到哪里去了你。

现在英语已经渗透入各行各业,想要一份理想的工作,一定要学好英语我在此献上常用的英语口语,希望对大家有所帮助日常简单实用英语口语 1I appreciate Johnrsquos helping in time我感谢约翰的及时帮助2 I bought it the day it was released它发行的当天我就买了3 I doubted。

我这里只有两个人的A In your mind , what do you think of the reason why generation gap appears ?B First ,the young and their parents often fail to talk with each other Even sometimes they hear each other , but they do not put them in heart At the most of time。


标签: #英语口语对话6个人简短