
EnglishTutorship 40 0

1She is a pretty girl,funny , happy all the time,outgoing,and smile to everyone we have a lot of fun togetherHe is a cool boy,maybe sometimes he is quiet,shyBut in fact ,he is a easygoing and generous good guy!2I have a warm family ,there are three members in。



常用英语口语对话句子 导语常用英语涉及范围全面,内容充实,语言规范通俗,适用面广,实用性强,下面是我给大家整理的常用英语口语对话句子内容,希望能给你带来帮助!1I#39m an office worker 我是上班族2I work for the government 我在政府机关做事3I#39m happy to meet you 很高兴。

1 Why are you so late today?2 We were cutcaught in a traffic jam this morning3 The traffic is always terrible during rush hours4 This express way links two major cities of the state5 The flier was under repair, and we had to make a 6 The road was。

1英语口语考试的常见话题 1what are the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transporation,for example,bus,taxi,private car,etc? 2where do you prefer to live,downtown areas or suburb?why? 3what role does music play in your life? 4can you tell something about your hobby。



1用完整的句子回答Well, my grandpa taught me to have good manners2解释原因This is because he has firmly believed that being a polite person would be vital for a person#39s whole life ever since he was very young3举例子I still remember once he patiently encouraged。

标签: #英语口语考试话题万能句子