
EnglishTutorship 30 0

1、1My favorite food is pizza我最喜欢的食物是披萨2I absolutely love sushi我特别喜欢寿司3Chocolate is hands down my favorite巧克力毫无疑问是我最喜欢的4I can’t get enough of burgers我对汉堡简直停不下来5Nothing beats a good steak for me。

2、Do you like Sichuan food中国菜是我的最爱Chinese food is my favorite我喜欢广东菜Thank you so much,I#39m so fullSituational Dialogue 情景对话Would you like to have something to drink?I#39d like a cup of coffee if you don#39t mindHow about a cup of tea?Great, I like。

3、Good morningafternoonevening,welcome to our restaurantHow many people are in your party?Do you have a reservation?2介绍菜单 餐厅的菜单通常会提供英文版没有英文版或者顾客不熟悉菜单,服务员需要介绍菜品例如Would you like me to recommend something for you?We specialize i。

4、I like cooking by myself我喜欢自己做饭Do you like cooking?你喜欢烹饪吗?Do you know how to make dumplings?你知道怎么包饺子吗?擅长做的菜 I#39m good at making Chinese food我擅长做中国菜Making dumplings is my speciality包饺子是我的绝活最喜欢的菜 My favorite dish is roast。

5、I like fruitvegetablemeatwestern food我 喜欢 水果蔬菜肉食西餐 why do you like it?你为什么喜欢它because it#39s healthy and delicious因为它很健康而且很好吃What food do you like the most?你最喜欢吃甚么I like eating注意动名词我喜欢吃甚么甚么加一个你喜欢吃的。

6、吃饭常用的英语口语1What kind of food do you prefer你喜欢哪一种菜2Do you like Chinese food你喜欢中国菜吗3What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American你喜欢吃什么菜,中式的还是美式的4Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is 请你告诉我。

7、我用心地回答哦,顺便翻译一下我的回答英语口语回答尽量不要使用题目的句式,多做些变化能让人知道你的英语能力1Scrambled eggs with tomatoes l love vegetable salad best番茄炒蛋 我最喜欢的菜肴是蔬菜色拉2l would discuss this problem with him patiently and talk about my worry。

8、想提升英语口语美食话题来帮忙英语谈资带你探索西餐世界,从开胃菜开始第16讲,经典美食Nachos奶酪玉米片西餐篇113一道脆口的味觉盛宴 想象一下,那是一片片脆脆的tortilla chips,上面撒满了melted cheese,仿佛一层浓郁的黄金披萨这便是墨西哥烹饪艺术的瑰宝Nachos,一个不容错过的。

9、牛肉煮青瓜1把牛肉和青瓜切成片状,洗净 2开锅前倒少量油 3把准备好的牛肉和青瓜放进锅子里 后面的忘了,我自己想的最好有本书,我打在这里就好了。

10、一点套餐 Please give me this one 请给我来这个We want two number eights, please 我们要两份第八套餐二随意点餐 May I have a menu, please?我可以看菜单吗?Could you tell me how this thing is cooked?能否告诉我这道菜是怎么做的?Lobster? It is steamed and served with。

11、我喜欢泰国和越南菜奥运1000句 08北京奥运 奥运歌曲总汇 奥运英语词汇 奥运名人一览 奥运百科知识 A Where shall we eat tonight? What do you like?A 我们今晚到哪里吃饭你想吃什么B I#39m not sure There#39s so much to choose fromB 我不太肯定有这么多可选择的A Italian。

12、这里有一些,你看可以不?辣椒,是墨西哥人不可缺少的食品墨西哥菜式均以酸辣为主正宗的墨西哥菜,材料多以辣椒和番茄主打,味道有甜辣和酸等,而酱汁九成以上是辣椒和番茄调制而成墨西哥菜分前菜汤类主菜和甜品,其中以汤类较为清淡,用以突出主菜的酸辣特色 Tortillas,Frijoles。


14、Zhang MingEh~I like dumplings the bestAnd which food do you like best?嗯~我最喜欢饺子你最喜欢什么食物Tom I like beef,Italian noodls the bestBut now I like dumplings!我最喜欢牛排和意大利面,但现在喜欢水饺了应该够两分钟了,这可是我现编的呢,我原来挺喜欢写英语对话的。

15、B在这里吃还是带走?A For hereA在这里吃篇五关于美食英语口语对话 AWhat kind of food do you like?你喜欢什么菜?BI like Chinese food我喜欢中国菜ABut your American?可是你是美国人呀?BWe have a lot of Chinese restaurants in America在美国也有不少中国菜馆。

16、要,再来一份熏猪肉和鸡蛋,我喜欢熏猪肉松脆一点How do you want your eggs?您喜欢鸡蛋怎么做?Fried, please煎的Anything more, sir?还要什么别的东西吗,先生?No, thatrsquos enough Thank you不要了,足够了谢谢饭店迎客的英语对话W Goodmorning, sir Welcome to our。


17、It#39s so good to see you, Annie!见到你很好,安妮You too, Amy I missed you你也是,艾米我很想你Wow, Chinese food is so different from British food哇,中国食物和英国食物很不一样Yes, Can you use chopsticks?是啊,你会用筷子吗No, I can#39t不,不会Let#39s take。

18、B That’s right If you like hot dishes, you can try some对您要是爱吃辣的,可以试试A They might be too hot for me对我来说可能太辣了点B Then there’s the Cantonese cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine Most southerners like them再有是粤菜和江苏菜大多南方人都。

标签: #英语口语介绍自己喜欢的菜