
EnglishTutorship 39 0

写作思路根据题目要求,可以从多方面介绍自己Good afternoon, everyone!大家下午好My name is Liu Peng I#39m from class 1, Grade 7我叫刘鹏我来自七年级一班I#39m twelve I have a big round face, two big eyes, a small nose, two small ears and a small mouth我十二岁了。

我有点张扬 I#39m a little bit outgoing我比较活泼开浪 I#39m lovely and open比较要面子And keen on facesaving在五年级五班就读, I#39m in Class 5, Grade 5我喜欢草莓味道的冰淇淋, I like strawberry ice cream我在学习方面较认真, I study very hard喜欢看各种各样的课外书籍, And。


如下I am tall, round face, big eyes, this is me Tan Shou我的个子比较高,圆圆的脸蛋,大大的眼睛,这就是我,谭绶I have many advantages For example, my physical education is very good When I have physical education class, I should be responsible for the whole team。

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