
EnglishTutorship 43 0

目前,对于中国大多数专业的大学生而言,英语依旧是一门必修的课程,而英语口语的学习则更是具有相当大的交流实用性质我整理了,欢迎阅读!一 MaryHey, fast food could be bought at the gas station in the near future嘿,加油站马上就有快餐卖了JohnOh, that would be more convenient for。



AGood morning!BGood morning,too。


M Good morning, Miss LiW Morning, MikeM I’m sorry that I was absent yesterdayW I’ve already got your certificate for sickleave How do you feel today?M I feel much better nowW Have you received the reading material handed out yesterday?M I’ve already。

要将英语口语学标准,重点就是老师教学经验,标准口音建议找欧美外教才是最好,一定要多听听比较老师的差异性 避免学出奇怪口音我大大的推荐这家好 ABC天芐欧美外教口语不错滴 印象比较深的 就是他们给我保证英语水平会提升否则返款,学习后感觉是还不错,从学习效果来说是非常好的。

1 AExcuse me,could you please tell me the way to the bank?BOKGo straight and turn left,then go down center streetIt#39s on your rightAIs it far from here?BYes, a littleYou can take a bus if you likeAWhich bus should I take?BYou can take the No17。

关于团队合作的英语口语对话如下一Audrey how#39s your new job going?你的新工作怎么样?Hayden really well, thanks真的#39不错,谢谢二A how are you finding your new boss?你的新上司人怎么样?H she#39s not bad She#39s a bit bossy, but I#39m sure I#39ll get usedto her。

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