
EnglishTutorship 97 0

Goodmorning everyone,I#39m XXX,a student of packaging and environmental engineering major Environmental protection is an increasingly hot topic in today#39s society, protect environment is every citizen#39s responsibility,I know the closely relation of packaging and environmental protection as a;当他们回国的时候,他们的口语肯定有所提高 To sum up, learning English well is not easy But求一篇以怎么学好英语为话题的英语文章 Learning English takes time so if we want to learn it well怎样学习英语作文要英语的加上翻译 Learning English just like learning any other language, is;1 时间Please talk about the importance of time What’s your view on it?time is money, what do you think of it A proverb says,quotTime is moneyquot But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money Why? Because when money is spent, we can earn it back Howev;口语按顺序分为1朗读屏幕上给定的一篇短文 2 根据中文提示,回答计算机问出的2个问题 3 话题简述根据给定的几段中文提示,简述一个话题可以近似地看做加长版的即时翻译题 除了第二项回答问题外,学校会统一发给学生一本中考口语小册子,上面包含了短文与话题简述各约20篇左右,口语考试;of people at the football match有很多人看足球比赛He transacts business with a large number of stores他与很多商店进行交易实用口语You can say that again注释这句话表示听话者同意对方说的话,相当于I agree with you 因此,可以翻译为“你说得对对”或者是“我同意”。

本人是英语专业毕业生,现从事翻译工作,很高兴为你解答话题1来自父母的爱 说明有人说父爱有限,母爱无疆你如何看待这个问题你和父母关系如何话题2沟通问题 说明误解不仅仅存在于男女之间我们所有人都会时不时地遇到沟通问题或沟通困难的情况说出自身的经历你认为沟通障碍的可能原因是;翻译A你喜欢体育运动吗B 当然了,我是超级运动迷A 那你最喜欢什么运动B几乎所有的球类,例如篮球足球排球羽毛球乒乓球等等你呢A我太懒了,不愿意出去伸展手脚B你最好做些运动,因为那会给你完美的体魄,并能让你不容易得病A是吗但运动有时很累人;因为只有这样才会具效果,口语也会得到提升 4商务英语口语应该如何提高 学习商务英语口语,要掌握商务英语基础的知识从中文入手,用英文翻译,比如产品介绍公司管理电子商务等,如果我们在这些方面进行了解,就不能局限于日常的问候语 这些话题通常在商务中使用,我们要做的是真正将这些话题应用到场景中,这就;马克那么你有什么 Matthew Three Bio, Chem and Pharm What#39s your Bio final like, John? I got to take a paper exam and give one paper report我有三门生物,化学和药剂约翰,你的生物期末是什么样子的我有一个当堂笔试还有篇报告John The same, one paper exam and an;话题一A I have a question, people today always find themselves in a rush, what do you think are the reasons?B I think one of the reasons is because today we exchange information in a very fast speed, it pushes people to respond to everything fastC I agree, phones;我演讲的题目是乐看人生,笑迎生活In the journey of life, we often encounter setbacks and failures and fall into all kinds of unexpected difficulties At this time, please don#39t feel inferior and don#39t easily say I can#39t do it We should treat life with a positive。

怕别人笑,我从来没有把我的手傅小姐回答的问题在课堂上提出的,即使我已经给他们一些好的答案一时间,我什至失去了练习英语口语的兴趣当傅小姐发现了原因,她鼓励我发言首先,她给我买了一些英语磁带,叫我仔细听取他们的意见,并尝试把它们背出来在课堂上,我经常问的问题,并给了很多机会练习speakingLittle一;#英语口语# 导语很多考生在学习英语的过程中认为口语是最难提升的一项,其实要想学好英语口语,平时一定要多开口,多练习以下是 考 网整理的关于学校生活的英语口语考试话题 ,欢迎阅读 1关于学校生活的英语口语考试话题 1Do you like your school? Why?2How many days do you g。

A I prefer swimming I think swimming is good for our health我更喜欢游泳我认为游泳对身体很有好处B Yes, I agree with you I like swimming too是的,我非常同意我也喜欢游泳A Wow, shall we go swimming together some day?哇我们哪天可以一起去游泳吗B Of;Career or Family which is more important?When asked about their opinion of career and family, people always respond differently Some people deem it more important to pursue their career, while there are always other people who argue that family should be the number one in one’s;要想真正练好英语口语,模仿是很重要的,可以模仿外国人讲英语的语音语调,模仿他们的动作,神情5商务英语口语的提升方法 1掌握基础商务知识 先从中文开始了解,在运用英文来翻译,比如说了解产品介绍公司管理电子商务等我们要是在这些进行了解,就不会仅仅局限在于日常问候语了,这些话题一般都;先学习英文课文,通篇理解透彻后,再来看汉语译文,把汉语译文口译回英文这样等于既做复述练习又作口译语练习,可谓一石二鸟! 这样做的好处 1自己就可以练习口语,想练多久,就练多久 2始终有一位“高级教师”指出你的不足和错误英文原文 3题材范围极广,可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢比如我们总是。


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