
EnglishTutorship 100 0

1 What do you think university students can do to manage their time the best?I think make a time list is a good method,so that a student is able to know what to do2 What is the most important achievement for Chinese people in hosting 2008 Olympic Games? Why?2They。

A What is important in learning English?B I think you should be interested in learning EnglishA It#39s easier said than done Can you give me some suggestionsB Sure, first of all, you should practice the pronouncition correctlythen start learning grammer from some。

同学你好,你的考试是几分钟的我简单的写一些,希望能激起你的灵感回答的时候注意尽量使用简单句和通俗易懂的单词还有关联词很重要哦记住不要死记硬背,灵活些运用祝你好运哦 下面是我的答案,我的伙伴们会帮你补充的1 Oral english class is my first choice because we freshmen lack。

密 2009年 第10届 高考英语口语人机对话考试题 第一套 1 What subject do you like best? Why?I like english best, because i think it is very interesting and funny2 How often do you watch TV?I watch TV every day3 What’s your interest ? Please say something abo。

英语口语, 有题目的 150 题目1白天学习晚上工作好还是晚上学习白天工作好题目2Themostmemorableandimportanteventofyouhappenedinschool题目3Whichdoyoupreferspendingtimewithfriendsinrestaurantorath 题目1白天学习晚上工作好还是晚上学习白天工作好题目2 The most memorable and important event of you。

话说你给的分也真少了点 1 What do you think university students can do to manage their time the best? 你认为大学的学生如何可以管理自己的时间把自己做到最好? I think we should do more planning to make full use of their time together For example, learning, living, entertainment。

I support this planIn my opinion, it#39s very conveinent to go shopping in big shopping centerFirstly,instead of going different places far from each other,you can buy whatever you need to buy in the big shopping center,Secondly, people allways find it more cheaper to buy。

哈哈,还是你,这次两个都帮你回答了 1省钱的主意 Aexcuse me,can I ask you some for some questions?Ball right,just do itAthank you,as a college student,do you have some good ideas about saving money?Bfor me, I just try my best to save as much as I can Acan。



首先要重视初中学生英语口语等级测试训练材料熟读并背诵该材料所提供的30篇短文200多组简单对话20段情景对话和20个话题 因为在进行口语测试时,主考教师将在初中学生英语口语等级测试训练材料所提供的短文中,选取一篇作为朗读测试材料,选取5组简单对话作为回答问题,选取一段对话作为情景对话题,选取一个。


那个省的啊,我找这个是广州的,如果需要别得请追问,望采纳广州中考英语口试历届试题第一套一 用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文5分Most of us think that people are the most important things on earth, but we aren’t We are really much less important than plants! If all。

福建省积年高考英语白话测验题二第一套 第一份 1Why do you study English?2Which season do you like best? Why?3What are your parents?第二份 1How do you learn English?2Which subject do you like best? Why?3How will you spend your summer holidays?第三份 1。

英文分别为1, climate warming 2, the destruction of the ozone layer 3, decrease of biodiversity 4, acid rain spreading 5, forest reduction 6, land desertification 7, air pollution 8, water pollutionIn 9, marine pollution 10, solid waste pollution 因为你需要400字的口语考试,估计是。

你叫啥,你的兴趣 口试的时候,是上楼临时决定考场的,楼梯口都有老师会告诉大家,一般每个考场外面会有两个侯考,轮到你的时候老师会让你抽题,大概是四选一还是五选一,里面是一篇英语文章和一会儿你要做的口头作文题目,最好是在候考的时候好把英语文章读一下,构思几句一会儿作文要说的话#。

哈哈,提高赏分吧 还是回答一下吧,希望能给你点启发吧1it is 2In my life, It is a indelible memory with knowledge, hopes, 4Both are my hobby English is a basic communication language both in business and life, and sport is welcome with passions and a。

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