
EnglishTutorship 36 0

篇二关于职场常用英语口语对话 Cheney Oh Gush! The first clay of my career is over But I heard that our company will hold twoweek staff trainingBertha Stop fussing! I think the training is very necessary for our newcomers Arid my company also tells me to attend the。


初次见面英文口语对话1 JAKE Hi! My name is Jake We haven#39t met before, have weDEBBIE No, we haven#39t! My name is Debbie?JAKE Nice to meet you, Debbie!?DEBBIE Nice to meet you, too, Jake?JAKE Are you a new studentDEBBIE Yes, I am What about。

日常英语口语1 1Have a smoke, will you? 抽烟吗? 2I’ve got a packet of “Camelquot, would you like to try one? 我有一包“骆驼牌”香烟,你想来一支吗? 3How about a cigarette 来支烟怎么样? 4You want a cigarette#39 你想要支香烟吗? 5Help yourself to a cigarette 请随便抽一支。


1Don#39t mention it没关系,别客气2Who knows!天晓得3It is not a big deal!没什么了不起4Easy does it慢慢来5Don#39t push me别逼我6Come on!快点,振作起来7Have a good of it玩得很高兴8It is urgent有急事9What is the fuss吵什么。

标签: #英文简单对话口语