
EnglishTutorship 37 0

20句简单的英语口语对话,如下1Hello, 你好2 Hi, 喂,你好3 Good morning afternoonevening 早上下午晚上好4 How are youthis morningafternoonevening? 你今天早晨下午晚上好吗?5 Fine, thank you thanks 我很好,谢谢6 Not bad, thank you 不错;英语口语对话 万圣节 前夕 你愿意帮我做个南瓜杰克灯吗?Do you want to help me make a jacko’lantern?我要穿件黑衣服I’m going to put on a dark suit你要带面具吗?Are you going to wear a mask?我给你们些糖果吧Let me give you some candies多么可怕的晚上啊。

Tom What do you know is the earliest artistic form?你知道中国文学中产生最早的艺术形式是什么吗?Jerry What is it?是什么?Tom Should it be the poem?应该是诗歌吧?Jerry Oh, I see, something like the The Book of Songs?哦,我知道了,像诗经那种吧?Tom Absolutely, The Bo;英语情景口语交际对话一 Steven goes into a video store to buy some records史蒂文进入一家音像店,想买一些唱片Assistant Wele, sir, what can I do for you?店员欢迎光临,先生,请问您想要什么?Steven I want to buy some records史蒂文我想买些唱片Assistant Whose record do。


Mom When will you come home for dinner, honey? Kids and I are waiting你什么时候回家吃晚饭,亲爱的?孩子们和我在等着呢Kevin Mom, Lizzie got my Spiderman妈,厉子拿了我的蜘蛛侠Lizzie He picked the fight He called my names他先挑起的他骂我Mom Lizzie, Kevin;英语面试口语情景对话范文 随着国际化贸易的发展,越来越多企业对应聘者的英语口语能力非常重视,在情景面试的时候,如何与考官流畅的进行英语对话交流呢?不妨提前做好面试准备,了解以下英语面试口语情景对话大全内容英语面试口语情景对话 篇1 通常在面试时,英语面试对话如下A求职者 B面试官A。

小学英语口语情景对话一 Linda Wow ! Look at that !琳达 哇!看那!Joy That#39s Tower Bridge乔伊 这是塔桥Linda It#39s marvelous This is the first time I#39ve seen the bridge琳达 真了不起!这是我第一次看到这座桥Joy So, let me take a photo of you in front;一 MaryHey, fast food could be bought at the gas station in the near future嘿,加油站马上就有快餐卖了JohnOh, that would be more convenient for us哦,那就方便多了MaryYeah, and we wouldn#39t even need to get out of the car是啊,而且都不用下车JohnGood。


1Don#39t mention it没关系,别客气2Who knows!天晓得3It is not a big deal!没什么了不起4Easy does it慢慢来5Don#39t push me别逼我6Come on!快点,振作起来7Have a good of it玩得很高兴8It is urgent有急事9What is the fuss吵什么。

1What is your name?My name is are you from?I#39m from are old youI#39m 18 years many people are there in you family?There are they are?My father,my mother,my older brother and long have you been China。

作为旨在培养学生语言交际能力的高中英语对话课,是整个高中英语教学中一个必不可少的重要组成部分我整理了英语情景口语交际对话,欢迎阅读!英语情景口语交际对话一 Steven goes into a video store to buy some records史蒂文进入一家音像店,想买一些唱片Assistant Wele, sir, what can I do for。


1、开展英语情景对话教学,离不开教师对情景的精心创设,才能帮助学生理解对话内容,达到学以致用的目的下面是大学英语口语对话范文,一起来了解下吧大学英语口语对话范文AGood morning, sir Have a seat pleaseA先生,早上好,请坐BI would like to know the state of the residential property market rig。

2、对话1提供 和应答 Offers and responses 1 May I help you? Oh yes, thank you2 Let me help you with the bags Well, I can manage all right Thanks just the same3 Can we help you? I want to go to hospital But I can‘t My leg hurts4。

3、Tom Hey, Jim, what are you doing?嘿,吉姆,你在做什么?Jim Reading a book, and I have a paper to write and an important test to prepare看书,我有一篇论文要写,一个重要考试要准备Tom Wow, I don’t know what to do right now哇,我现在都不知道做什么Jim I can。

4、一吃午饭 BoBoI#39m hungry,Mom妈妈,我饿了Is lunch ready?午餐准备好了吗?MomYesWash your hands first好了先去洗手BoBoWhat#39s good for lunch?中午有什么好吃的?MomBeef,eggs and tomatoes牛肉鸡蛋和西红柿BoBoAre there any noodles?有面条吗?MomYesThere is。


5、初中英语教学阶段,口语交际能力的培养是教学任务的重要内容之一英语教学中利用情景对话的方式,能有效地把创设情景和小组活动结合起来对学生进行口语训练下面是初二英语口语对话自带翻译,一起来了解下吧初二英语口语对话自带翻译AI#39d like to visit the famous spots in Paris Can you tell。

6、#英语口语# 导语英语口语已经慢慢渗透入人们的日常生活,想要学好英语口语一定要多读多听多说多欣赏以下“2分钟简短的英语口语对话”由 2分钟简短的英语口语对话Shmm Hello! My name#39s Simon Are you a new student?西蒙你好,我是杰克你是新生吗?Daisy Yes I am l#39m。

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