
EnglishTutorship 118 0

1、four It is a very glooming sign我就是不喜欢一到四点钟,天色就黑下那是很忧郁的迹象Susan well, you are entitled to your opinions嗯,你是有你的看法One thing we are in common is that we both value our friendships, right?有一点跟你相同的就是我们对待友情的看法是一致;A I prefer swimming I think swimming is good for our health我更喜欢游泳我认为游泳对身体很有好处B Yes, I agree with you I like swimming too是的,我非常同意我也喜欢游泳A Wow, shall we go swimming together some day?哇我们哪天可以一起去游泳吗B Of。


2、双人英语对话可以很简单写出来,为什么,是谁,在哪里,什么时间都是可以有问句和答句的A Who is your Chinese teacher?B Miss Wang is my Chinese teacherA Who is running there?B That#39s my deskmateA Let#39s go to the movies at the weekendB OK, we#39ll choose what;大学生活英语对话2人带翻译AWith the development of computer technology, the Internet has become more and more popular随着计算机技术的发展,互联网越来越受欢迎BYeah, but do you think students should surf the internet after class?是啊,但是你认为学生在放学后应该去上网吗AYes;乔尔好,把冲浪板前端抬起来,这有助于冲浪那 Mitchell But the key is, you don#39t want to duck dive when the wave is crashing on you because you are already screwed 米切尔关键是,你在浪打到你的时候是不会想潜越的,因为你已经错过了 Joel OK, you have to duck before the;20What has three hands but only one face?a clock 21Which can move faster, heat of cold?heat ,because you can catch cold 22What weather do mice and rats fear?when it rains cats and dogs 23Who always drives his customers away?a taxi driver 24Why is the letter E so。


3、Jwhat#39s your hobby, lucy?L i#39d love to play basketballJ well, i used to think that girls do not like playing sportsL you are right, most of girls do not like play sports, but i doJ that means you have a healthy hobby, right?L yes So, what about;2分钟二人英语对话篇一 Health and Fitness 运动健身 dialogue 1 A good afternoon, madam How can I help you?下午好,女士有什么能为您效劳吗?S well, I am a little bit out of shape I think I should get some exercise to keep fit what kind of service do you offer?那个;简单英语对话短文带翻译篇一 AIt seems to me that you fall for goodlooking guysA好像你挺喜欢帅小伙的BYeahB是的A Why don#39t you date up a handsome guy and spend time together?A为什么不找一个帅哥做伴呢?B I#39ve found myself a date mateB 我已经找;初中英语的学习不仅要培养学生说的能力,更要在听说读写几大领域全面发展,这样学生对英语的学习才会产生浓厚的兴趣我整理了,欢迎阅读!一 AThe Palace Museum is so largeA故宫太大了BYes,you are right It covers 720,000 square metresB是的,你说对了,它占地72万平方米。

4、两个人一起吃饭,只有两条鱼,一大一小一位先把大 的吃了,另一位勃然大怒”多不合适”他抱怨说”怎 么了”另一位问”你吃掉了那条大的,如果我是你就不 会这样做你会怎 样呢我当然是先吃小的 那好哇,你抱怨什么,那条小鱼不是还在那里吗”5 and;大学生活英语对话2人带翻译有Ann Tomorrow,we will have a picnic我们明天要去野炊Lily Really? I’d like to take part in真的吗我也要参加Ann Have you finished your work?你工作完成了吗Lily Yeah, everything worked out well恩,所有的事都解决好了Ann Good;男Haven#39#39t I seen you some place before?我好像以前在什么地方见过你女Yes That#39#39s why I don#39#39t go there anymore是的这就是为什么我不再去那个地方的原因我不想和你有任何交集男Will you go out with me this Saturday?这个星期六你想跟我出去吗女。

5、1I have left my key in my room, and now i cannot get in could you open the door for me?我把钥匙落在了屋里,进不了屋,你能帮我把门打开吗?That#39s what i am here for我来这儿就是干这个的2How much do you charge?多少钱?One hundred and fifty一百五3John;大学英语2人对话短文带翻译一 TomDo you guys carry ramen?你们有拉面吗?LindaWhat#39s that?那是什么面?TomYou know, like instant noodles就是泡面一类的东西LindaOh, that would be in the pasta aisle哦,那应该在面食那排里TomWhich aisle is that?是哪排啊?LindaRight;我们学习英语翻译的技巧,从对话开始掌握下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!经典 AExcuse meA打扰了BWhat#39s the matter?B怎么了?AI#39ve been stolenA我被偷了BWhat was stolen?B什么被偷了?AI had my wallet stolenA我的钱包被偷了BCould you tell me the details。

6、BoBoIs LiLi at home?莉莉在家吗?LiLiYes,come in pleaseI#39m expecting you在家,请进我在等你呢BoBoLet#39s do our homework together 我们一起做功课吧LiLiAll right好的BoBoWhose rubber is it on the table? 桌子上是谁的橡皮擦?LiLiMine我的BoBo;AThat#39s a great idea! Why didn#39t I think of that?这个点子太棒了!我怎么没想到?BI don#39t know, but you know how to surround yourself with great friends!我不知道,不过你现在知道周围有一堆好朋友的好处了吧!二 AYou spoken English is pretty good Please tell me your ex。

标签: #英语对话两人20句带翻译