
EnglishTutorship 51 17

日常英语口语11 1 Hello, 你好 2 Hi, 喂,你好 3 Good morning afternoonevening 早上下午晚上好 4 How are youthis morningafternoonevening? 你今天早晨下午晚上好吗? 5 Fine, thank you thanks 我很好,谢谢 6 Not bad, thank you 不错,谢谢 7 Welcome;简单的口语英语如下1Don’t give me that!少来这套2You have a good sense of humor你真幽默3You know, you keep taking everything on faith你看,所有的事情你都无条件相信4Nice to meet you见到你很高兴5Don’t forget us别忘了我们6I#39ve gotten carried。

情景教学法是现代教学手段中的一种,在英语教学改革中发挥着很大作用我精心收集了简单日常聊天英语口语对话短文,供大家欣赏学习!简单日常聊天英语口语对话短文1 p wow, what a big meal! mmm smells so goodlso help yourself!p what should i start with?l perhaps the spicy sliced;整理了一些简单的英语口语对话范文如下MI have come here for the interview for Administrative assistant by appointment Nice to meet you我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你INice to meet you ,tooPlease Take a seat我也是,请坐MThank you!谢谢IIWhat is your name, please。

学英语很重要的一点是用来和他人交流,但开口难也是中国人学英语的一大特点问题出在以下几点 一是有些人把是否看懂当成学习的标准拿到一本口语教材,翻开几页一看,都看懂了,就认为太简单了,对自己不合适其实,练习口语的教材,内容肯定不会难,否则没法操练看懂不等于会说,把这些你已经学会的东西流利地表达。



1、简单的口语英语如下1Good morning? Good morning!早上好早上好2Good afternoon? Good afternoon!下午好下午好3How old are you? I am four你几岁了我四岁4What is your name? My name is Lanlan你叫什么名字我叫兰兰5See you tomorrow? See you。

2、gordon you hit the nail on the head! i want you to help me learn simple english戈登你说到点子上了!我想让你帮我学习一些简单英语molly i reckon that is a good idea莫莉这主意不错4gordon hey buddy, your english is improving by leaps and bounds戈登嘿,伙计。

3、简单英语口语对话1LindaHello! Who is speaking?JohnHello! This is John I want to speak to LindaLindaThis is herJohn Hi, Linda Irsquom just calling to invite you to a dinner party tomorrow eveningLindaReally? What time and where?John 730 pm, at。

4、Yes, Beep It IS a fantastic day! 是的,哔哔声这是一个美妙的一天! 相关 文章 1 简单两人英语小对话 2 简单两人英语情景对话短文 3 简单的两人英语对话 4 简单的英语对话短文两人 5 2人英语口语对话 幽默简单5分钟 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为。

5、简单的日常基础英语口语 英语口语是被英语国家人民普遍应用的口头交流的语言形式下面是我整理的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!Hello, hellip 你好Hi, hellip喂,你好How do you do? 你好Nice to meet see you 很高兴认识见到你Goodbye 再见 Good night 晚安Howold is he? 他。


在英语口语学习中,最重要的就是词汇量为了能够用英语进行交流,可能需要掌握60007000个单词但要注意,掌握60007000个词汇不只是认得单词,更重要的是能够运用这些单词与外国人交流四多开口,多与外国人交谈 想要掌握地道的英语口语,那么有时间的话就多和老外用英语交谈我们可以通过与外国人的。

1Don#39t mention it没关系,别客气2Who knows!天晓得3It is not a big deal!没什么了不起4Easy does it慢慢来5Don#39t push me别逼我6Come on!快点,振作起来7Have a good of it玩得很高兴8It is urgent有急事9What is the fuss吵什么。

2少儿简单英语日常口语 1 Do you like traveling? 你喜欢旅游吗?2 Yes, I#39ve just come back from Scotland 是的,我刚从苏格兰回来3 How did you get there? 你怎么去的?4 I got there by plane 我坐飞机去的#395 Where did you visit? 你去参观了哪些地方?6 I only。


quot 或是简单地问quotWhat do you do?quot 一般不会说成 quotWhat#39s your job?quot商务口语 1Do I have to make a reconfirmation?我还要再确认吗?2 Is there any earlier one?还有更早一点的吗?3 Could you tell me my reservation number, please?请你告诉我我的预订号码好吗?4 Can I。

日常简单实用英语口语 1Are you going to have a party?你要举行聚会吗?2 Arenrsquot you concerned about it?难道你不担心吗?3 Donrsquot forget to keep in touch别忘了保持联系4 He broke his words once again他又一次违背了诺言5 He is in his everyday clothes他。

标签: #英语口语简单