
EnglishTutorship 54 0

1、三人英语对话1 隔壁搬来一家人,也有一个小男孩Matt 和Amy正打算去认识一下他Amy Matt, look, that boy is our new neighbor Can we play with him?Matt, 快看,那个男孩是我们的新邻居我们能和他一块玩儿吗?Matt Let#39s go and talk to him Hello, I#39m Matt This is。

2、三位您贵姓?I#39d like to make reservation, please我想预订桌位餐厅点餐英语三人口语对话3 I#39d like a table for three or four at seven我想订7点钟的3人或4人桌位Please reserve a table for three请预留一个3人桌位I#39m sorry, I#39ll be about thirty minutes late抱歉。

3、三人分别叫,Ann, Ben, Den 先见面寒暄一下Ann quot Hey, Ben,Dan Nice to see you two quot 嗨,Ben,Dan,见到你们两个真高兴Ben, Dan quot Nice to see you too, Ann quot 见到你也很高兴,AnnAnn quot Where have you been? You guys are sweating! quot 你们去哪儿了? 你们身上好多汗阿Ben quot。

4、三人搞笑短文老师题材 Teacher Tom, your composition on “My Dog” is exactly the same as your brother’s Did you copy his?Tom No sir, it’s the same dogThe teacher is angryAt the same time,Frank comingTeacher Why are you late, Frank?Don#39t you konw it#39s already 900。


5、A hey guys! what#39s up?B same as usual what#39s your plan for this weekend?C I wanna go shopping Do you wanna come along with me?B sounds pretty good I will go with you i need some new topsA i#39m afraid i cannot though I would love to i have a。

6、英语三人对话 50 大二英语口语期末考试,三人对话,要求长度5分钟左右,难度适宜,稍微难点没有关系最好是关于运动的,或者游戏也行急!在线等ben 浏览6205 次 举报 我有更好的答案推荐于20171216 203608 M Hey ,John Would you like to play basketball with me ? J。

7、谢谢我现在已经饱了啊我看你没时间吃早饭了离上课只有5分钟了比尔Really? Let`s go right now We`ll have them for our breakfast tomorrow真的?那我们马上走吧那些东西等着明早吃吧汤姆Did you prepare for the proficiency test?你准备英语能力测验了吗?罗斯I wanted to, but。

8、AnnYeah,monkeys are very cute!SandyI long for going to see those animals too!译文Ann嘿,Tom,你周末过得怎么样呀?Tom哈哈,好极了,我和爸爸妈妈到动物园去了Sandy哇,太棒了!你那天一定过得很开心吧Tom是啊,动物园里有好多动物啊,不过我最喜欢的是猴子Ann嗯,猴子好可爱哦。

9、you can follow the way as I write on the paper A thanks a lot, you are so kindB you#39re welcome你好,你会说英语吗?是的,我能为您做些什么?哦,那太好了我想去红星小学,你能告诉我怎么走吗?对不起,我不是很清楚那里有一个警察局,我可以帮你去问他真是太感谢你了劳。

10、What#39s the matter? D Don#39t u see? He is still sleeping M My goodness! I can#39t believe this! It’s almost nine He got to get up now Don#39t u remember we are required to make up a three people dialogue for tomorrow#39s oral class? D Yes, I do You wake u。

11、Janice How good are you at sports, Bill?Bill Are you kidding? I’m terrible! But I love to watch sports I go to football or baseball games a lot And I read sports magazines every weekJanice Wow!Bill Do you like sports, Janice?Janice Oh, yes I。

12、DIALOGUE 1 A Why is it that some people are always buying beyond their means? I mean, they do not make that much and spend half of their incomes on designer clothes as suchB My theory is that insecure people need to wear famous brand clothing to feel goodC Yes。

13、Tom Hello! My name is Tom Nice to meet you!Jim Hello! My name is JimNice to meet you, too I am from England, what about you?Tom I’m from the USA This is my friend, MaryJim Hello, MaryMary Hello, JimJim Are you American, too?Mary No, I am。


14、4 making friends in the university 三人在校园相遇的对话人物 Xiao Ling X, Yani,Y SongtaoS地点 校园 Xiao Ling is on her way to the dormitory She drops a book and Yani and Songtao who happen to be right behind her, pick up the book and give it back to her。

15、With friendship, we develop together Yes, what do you think of friends? It#39s hard to say, I just have the fear for loneliness and try to seek and win friends to give me a sense of security, I think Same to me以上为原创~ 满意请采纳参考资料英语牛人团。

16、我现在正在努力学习英语,准备参加口译证书考试我听说大学生活压力非常大,我有点担心A Don#39t be I#39m sure you can handle this不需要我确信你能拿捏得住B So tell us what else are you doing on your campus, especially something interesting再告诉我们些你在做的别的事呀。

标签: #三人英语口语对话三分钟