
EnglishTutorship 144 0

校园情景英语对话篇1 张Hello,everybody! 赵章周Hello,lisa! 张What do you think about college life? 你们觉得大学生活怎么样? 章My life in this college is very busy I join many activities in my spare time I make friends with everyone whom I meetOver class,I often play basketball。

关于校园的英语对话一 JimHave we got anything to do after school?放学以后我们还有事吗?MaryYes, we are going to have a general cleaning有啊,我们要做大扫除JimGeneral cleaning大扫除?MaryDonrsquot you remember we do it every Wednesday after school?你忘了我们每周。

小学英语口语情景对话一 Linda Wow ! Look at that !琳达 哇!看那!Joy That#39s Tower Bridge乔伊 这是塔桥Linda It#39s marvelous This is the first time I#39ve seen the bridge琳达 真了不起!这是我第一次看到这座桥Joy So, let me take a photo of you in front。

关于校园生活的英语口语对话 校园生活在我们的学习生涯中占了很重要的一部分,下面是我整理的关于学校生活的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!两点钟在学校门口等你去游泳 JimWe are free this afternoon Letrsquos go swimming, shall we?今天下午我们没有课,我们游泳去,好吗?MaryThatrsquos。

1 The interesting thing in my school One day,i walked in my schoolI suddenly saw one of my friends look for something,So i came to her and saidquot hey!What are you looking for?quot She answered me,quoti am looking for the coin i lost in my classroom beforequot i felt very。

我喜欢旅游,所以在大学期间我跟好朋友去了厦门,云南还有山东,在周末我喜欢购物,看书,看英文电影但是,我学会如何平衡学习和娱乐张Yeah I like traveling,too I#39ve been to Singapore and I can not forget their fresh fruit Singapore is a small country in Asia, also a good。

大学英语口语对话范文Steven#39s hair is long and needs to be cut short This morning he goes to the barber#39s史蒂文的头发长了,需要剪短今天早上他去了理发店Barber Good morning What can I do for you, sir?理发师早上好先生,我能为您做些什么呢?Steven Good morning。


#英语口语# 导语具备英语思维能力是掌握英语的一个重要条件我国中学生英语学习效率不高,特别是英语交际能力普遍欠缺的一个主要原因是学生不具备英语思维的能力以下是由 精心收集了关于常用英文情景口语对话,供大家欣赏学习! 篇一关于常用英文情景口语对话 Tom Hey, Jim, what are y。

一吃午饭 BoBoI#39m hungry,Mom妈妈,我饿了Is lunch ready?午餐准备好了吗?MomYesWash your hands first好了先去洗手BoBoWhat#39s good for lunch?中午有什么好吃的?MomBeef,eggs and tomatoes牛肉鸡蛋和西红柿BoBoAre there any noodles?有面条吗?MomYesThere is。

work on our English而且还可以练习英文汤姆Well, that, too Anyway, here we are那倒也是我们到了罗斯Yep I need to head upstairs to room twoothree I`ll see you after class嗯我要去楼上203教室考试后见汤姆OK, good luck!好啦祝你好运!罗斯You, too。

你准备英语能力测验了吗?罗斯I wanted to, but I didn`t know how I guess I`ll just have to do my best我想准备但是不知道从何做起我想我只好尽力而为了汤姆I don`t think there`s really any way to prepare我实在不知道该怎么准备 罗斯Nono way to cram是啊!根本没。

英语口语情景对话二 经典句型Are there any people who#39speak English? 这儿有人说英语吗?AMost people in Montreal speak French甲蒙特利尔大部分人都说法语BAre there any people who speak English?乙这儿有人说英语吗?AOnly less than 20 percent of the citizens speak English甲。


在英语口语对话场景的练习中,有很多话题都是在日常生活中使用最多的寒暄对话下面我就分享了初中英语口语20篇对话场景,供大家参考1问候 1AGood morningafternooneveningHelloHiHow do you do ?Nice to meet youB回答相同 2AHow are you?BFine, thank you And you?Very。

Excuse meI am a stranger here Could you please introduce me the shcoolSureIt is my pleasure I would every like to show you our schoolOh! You are every kind Thank you every much And my name is XXX What is your nameXXX Nice to know youMe too。

写作思路可以写校园生活的内容,比如相互问一下校园生活是如何度过的,中心要明确,语言要通顺正文AHow did you spend your time in school?你的校园生活是如何度过的BI did some parttime job when there was no class, what about you?除了上课以外,我还利用休息时间去打工你呢。

A嗯,看,我们的校园真漂亮B哦,是的,我想是的我们学校有很多新生,包括我们我听说我们学校被誉为我们州最好的中学之一A我也听说过内容介绍 交际英语对话与大多数的英语会话教本不同,没有成篇的会话,而是以意念功能和情景作分类的依据,全书共105个单元,每单元有七八个句子。

无 英语口语 频道为网友整理的简单英语口语对话校园里初次见面,供大家参考学习JAKE Hi! My name is Jake We haven#39t met before, have we?DEBBIE No, we haven#39t! My name is DebbieJAKE Nice to meet you, Debbie!DEBBIE Nice to meet you, too, JakeJAKE Are。

20111230 求大学英语对话,5个人,5分钟以上,关于大学生活,朋友和天气 20121211 急求关于大学生活的英语口语对话 3到5分钟的,谢啦! 35 20150403 高分求 大学英语口语测试二人对话 3分钟 92 20141203 求大学英语口语5人对话 20141201 英语口语考试,话题是生活中的竞争,成员有五人,对话时。

标签: #英语口语对话校园场景20篇