
EnglishTutorship 283 0

简单日常英语口语对话1 W=Woman M=Man W Hi Dave Sorry Do you mind?嗨,大卫,对不起,你介意吗?M Sorry?怎么了?W We don#39t smoke in the house我们不能在屋里吸烟M Oh, sorry about that。

AJudge from his look,he#39s a very serious personA从外表来看他很严肃BAs a matter of fact,he isB事实上他本来就很严肃基本英语日常对话2ACan I help you?A您买什么?BMm,I just need som。

常用英语口语对话 篇1 1 Hello, 你好 2 Hi, 喂,你好 3 Good morning afternoonevening 早上下午晚上好 4 How are youthis morningafternoonevening? 你今天早晨下午晚上好吗? 5 Fine, thank。

最基本的英语对话篇1 It is usually necessary to make an appointment with a doctor, dentist or lawyer You should call as far in advance as Would Dr Block be able to see me at 930。

日常英语口语对话范文一 ClerkGood morning Wilson AssociationBrownThis is Mr Brown speaking Irsquod like to speak to Mr ThomasClerkIrsquom sorry, but Mr Thomas left here just a fe。

1Don#39t mention it没关系,别客气2Who knows!天晓得3It is not a big deal!没什么了不起4Easy does it慢慢来5Don#39t push me别逼我6Come on!快点,振作起来7Have a good of。


日常英语口语对话1 1Hold on等一下口语中,人们不太用wait a minute如果两人辩论,吵架,抬杠,你要别人“打住”,可以说,hold it right there 2I hate his guts我最讨厌他也有说I hate him guts Guts是肠子,相当于“。

在日常中进行英语口语对话,无疑会提高我们的英语口语水平下面是我分享的`日常英语口语对话范文,希望能对大家有所帮助!日常英语口语对话范文1 Daniel Hey Olga, how are you?丹尼尔嗨,奥尔加,你好吗?Olga。


简单英语口语对话短文1 C=Customer S= Salesperson C Excuse me, I#39m looking for your casual shortsleeved shirts Can you tell me where those are?顾客对不起,我正在找休闲短袖衬衫,你可以告诉我它们。

日常练习英语口语对话,是最好的提高口语水平的方法,下面是我分享的日常情景英语口语对话,希望能对大家有所帮助!日常英语口语英文问路指路 A Excuse me, Where am I on this map?B We are here, bus station。

1gordon how is your english study? 戈登你的英语学习怎么样了?molly it#39s aok莫莉还行gordon any problem?戈登有问题吗?molly i have trouble talking with my teacher莫莉我与老师交谈有麻烦。

简短英语口语对话Lily Ann,I want to learn the financial accounting, what do you think?安,我想学财务会计,你觉得怎样?Ann Not bad, it is a good profession不错啊,这是不错的行业Lily But you know。

What are you doing? *口语中一般发成“What#39re you doing?”6点心在哪儿?Where are the snacks?Where are the snacks? 点心在哪儿? They#39re in the cupboard 在碗橱里7我去补习学校了啊I#39m going to。

整理了一些简单的英语口语对话范文如下MI have come here for the interview for Administrative assistant by appointment Nice to meet you我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你INice to meet you ,tooPlease Take。


A Who is your best friend? 你最好的朋友是谁B My best friend is Tom 我最好的朋友是汤姆A I like studying English 我喜欢学习英语B Me too 我也是A What time is it now? 现在几点B。

日常英语口语对话有很多,例如 Rachel,youareoutofmyleague你跟我不是同一类人2Youaresocute你真好真可爱你还在为学习英语口语发愁吗朋友给我推荐了一家在线英语培训机构学习英语口语挺不错的,分享他们的免费试听课给。

标签: #英语最基本的口语对话