
EnglishTutorship 155 0

篇一五人英文对话文稿 AHello,everybody, my name is A,I am a reporter from the student union , and I want to have an interview for you , Do you have timeBCDE Yes I doA So B, How do。

Meg said seriously 1 quotGirls, it is time to get up and read earlyquot2 Mom wants us to cherish these books, read these books, we should act now3 Although we have done very seriously before, since th。


A“hello you do not look well ,what#39s wrong with you?”Bwell,i find it is hard for me to sleep well Cthere must be some pressure disgusting you Byeahi want to get a high score ,so i。

A No ,I want to go shopping ,go to eat delicious food and go sightseeingHoney任性不讲理,撒娇BWell, then which place do you want to go first?无奈,妥协 AThe new field marketThere。

Stephane Congratulations!恭喜Jones Thank you By the way, let me introduce you my collegues Tom Smith, the new marketing assistant of our company谢谢顺便让我介绍下我的同事给你汤姆 史密斯,我们公司。

1Reallywho#39s song?2The slim Eminem1oh shitHis shit is i heard you were talking about my boy,Eminem?2yeah so which one you like the most1em。

making a decision on a trip Peter, Dave, Tony Peterhi, Dave, long time no see How are you?Dave fine thanks I just came back from Yangzhi river cruise长江三峡游 This is my buddy Tony。

AThen,where is the hospital?BFirst,turn leftNext,go straight for one minutesThen turn right at the traffic lightLast go straight for three minutesThe hospital is on the rightAThank you very。

饭菜好了,请入席CWhat would you like to drink?你要喝什么?DMr Taylor, which do you prefer, beer or wine?Mr Taylor,你要啤酒还是葡萄酒EWouldn#39t you care for something a little stronger?你不。

1dudewhat are you hearing right now?2Rap music 1Reallywho#39s song?2The slim Eminem1oh shitHis shit is i heard you were talking about my boy,Eminem。

中刘德华金成武决斗时的音乐荆轲Are you Li mochou?李莫愁Yes荆轲OK I’m Jingke, you know, I will let you know I am the king of the killers’ world李莫愁Are you challenging me?荆轲Off course! 耸。

20060615 需要一段大约5分钟的5人英语情景对话 91 20090101 求日常英语5人对话 20160818 初中英语补全对话 20071229 求英语口语5人对话 17 20120103 求一段两三分钟的五人英语对话,越快越好,谢谢啦!最好。

Stan hey dude, what#39s up?Eminem yo, not much dog, you?S kind of suck, i got fired for banging my boss#39s secretaryE is she hot? good for you dog you got any plans?S yeah, i think i。

AOur discussion begins nowDo you know what means of the education isBIn its broadest sense,education is a social activity and has a primary as well as direct target which education can affect。

A are we going to play here this Saturday?这周六我们打算去那玩一下 B I don#39t think so What about you? Plan to go there没想好呢,那个丙,你呢,打算去哪 C look at the situation。

标签: #英语口语对话五人