
EnglishTutorship 151 0

1、答1Culture shock can be described as the feelings one experiences after leaving their familiar, home culture to live in another cultural or social environment Many people associate culture shock only with。


2、some challenges I will encounter Culture shock will be the first oneT yeah, I have watched several movies about western lifestyles and cultures, and really find an immense differenceY Yeah, the d。

3、The term, culture shock, was introduced for the first time in 1958 to describe the anxiety produced when a person moves to a completely new environment This term expresses the lack of direction, the feeling。

4、Culture shock is an occupational disease for people who have been sudenly transplanted abroadLike most ailments,it has its own symptoms and a cure Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing al。

5、Culture shock is the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, or to a move between social environments The feeling。

6、The symptoms of cultural shock can appear at different times Although, one can experience real pain from culture shock it is also an opportunity for redefining one’s life objectives It is a great。

7、文化冲击的表现是沮丧,抑郁,困惑,焦虑,孤独Culture shock is an experience a person may have when one moves to a cultural environment which is different from one#39s own it is also the personal。

8、他们从一个国家迁移到一个新的国家,从文化背景转向新的文化背景,等待他们成为许多跨文化的心理社会问题 “文化冲击”这个词应运而生Cultural shocks can be multifaceted, from climate, diet, language, clothing, to。

9、1文化冲击,文化震惊,文化休克指去异国或异地时产生的困惑感egIt was a real culture shock to find herself in London afterliving on a small island在一座小岛上生活过后,回到伦敦使她感受到不小的文化冲击。

10、How to deal with culture shock Teaching and living abroad can be the most incredible experience of your life or it can be the worst, depending on how you deal with the difficulties of living and working in。

11、Culture shock is an occupational disease for people who have been sudenly transplanted abroadLike most ailments,it has its own symptoms and a cureCulture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from。

12、Culture shock has many stages Each stage can be ongoing or appear only at certain times The first stage is the incubation stage In this first stage, the new arrival may feel euphoric and be pleased by。

13、AHello,JackYou look happy,Why?BEr,I get a full mark in the cukture competitionACongratulation!BThank you!Can you tell me something about Chinese culture?I#39m interested in itOk,but my。

14、一比如中国人去印度就很不适应,因为印度人吃饭使用手抓的,还有去厕所,中国人是用手纸,但印度很多地方会用左手或石头,然后用水冲洗二不同国家的人打招呼的方式不同 简略如下美国人握手日本人是鞠躬。

15、文化震撼又译为文化冲击#160Culture Shock主要是来自于两个不同文化差异而引起可以发生在任何时候,任何新环境当你到达一个地方觉得很陌生很困惑,不知道自己的角色是什么应定位在哪里应怎么表现才恰当。

16、B Yes, I havebeen to Australia beforeADid you enjoyliving there?B Sure! Thatwas a great place to be, but there is some difference in Australian culturefrom Chinese oneAWhat do youmean by。

17、就可以避免使用类似词语带来的不快Understand these with a particular cultural meanings of words, can avoid to use similar words bring unhappiness避免文化休克CultureShockAvoid culture shock CultureShock。


18、#160一直以来我是知道Culture Shock是文化冲击文化震撼的意思只是我对于Culture的范围的理解有点狭隘了Culture Shock在百度百科里的解释是可以发生在任何时候,任何新环境的当你到达一个地方觉得很陌生很困惑,不。

标签: #英语口语对话cultureshock