1 My view on opportunity and challenge2 Discuss the difference between college life and middle school life3 Do you want to find a job you are interested in or a wellpaid one? Yoursquore free。
1What can you tell me about yourself你能谈谈你自己吗Can you give us brief introduction about yourself你能给我们做一个简短的自我介绍吗2What has been your greatest accomplishment? Describe t。
考 网英语口语频道为大家整理的高考英语口语考试75个经典提问,供大家参考一传统面试问题Sample Traditional Interview Questions1What can you tell me about yourself关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么这一问题。
1英语口语考试的常见话题 1what are the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transporation,for example,bus,taxi,private car,etc? 2where do you prefer to live,downtown areas or suburb?why? 3what role。
A proverb says,quotTime is moneyquot But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money Why? Because when money is spent, we can earn it back However, when time is gone, it will never return。
1 Can you name out the first ten top universities in the world?你能说出世界上最好的10所大学吗2 Do you know something about Bill Gates?你了解比尔盖茨的一些事迹吗3 What changs has taken place。
#英语口语# 导语口语考试是各类外语考试的重头戏,也是体现考生外语水平的重要指标,但国内的一些考生偏重读写,口语能力相对较弱,所以我们在平时也要多练习英语口语以下是 整理的英语口语面试常见问题,欢迎阅读。
BEC高级口语考试第一部分1这一部分分为两个阶段第一阶段,询问有关考生个人情况就是自我介绍,一般问学习或工作情况,不会很难第二阶段,提问一般商务问题esp Brand, meeting, Career planning, etc。
哈哈,还是你,这次两个都帮你回答了 1省钱的主意 Aexcuse me,can I ask you some for some questions?Ball right,just do itAthank you,as a college student,do you have some good ideas about saving。
1Do you often help your parents do chores?Why or why not?I often help my parents do chores because they both workThey not only work but also take care of me carefully,do some shopping and so on。
b口音对于口音太重的考生,能够采取对比电视剧中的对白,听一句,学一句,模仿里面的发音和口音,一个多月的时间就会有质的提高,同时可以将之前错误的发音加以纠正雅思口语考试常见问题2语法 语法错误的纠正事实上是。
英语六级考试口语经典问答题studying English Unit1 studying English 1What do you think is the most important thing in the study of English a good pronunciation, a good command of grammar, or a large。
不仅可以让你了解身边朋友家人的近况,还可以交到更多的新朋 所以网络拉近了人们的距离而不是increase the distance第一次回答问题分果然不是好挣得楼主你是托福还是雅思啊。
分类 教育科学 外语学习 问题描述英语口语考试,有几个话题需要高手帮帮忙共有6个话题,每个话题大约需阅读15分钟约12个句子左右,要求发表自己的看法,内容健康希望各位英语高手尽量帮帮忙1,Do。
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