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World Earth Day was fixed for this day没错,后来越来越多的国家也参与到了保护地球 环境的行动中,所以就把这天定为了世界地球日AI hope that our environment will become better and better 希望我们地球的环境。


篇一关于保护环境的英语口语 AWhat did you do over the weekend? 这个周末你都干什么了? BI went a global warming rally in London It was fantastic to be around so many people who care about the environment。


关于保护环境的措施的句子英语,保护环境是迫在眉睫,保护环境需要做到可持续发展,保护环境就是保护自己,每个人都需要行动起来,为大家分享关于保护环境的措施的句子英语 关于保护环境的措施的句子英语1 1We are using up our natural。

AWhat else can we do to protect the environment?想要保护环境还有什么其他可做?BIf you do have to drive, you should make sure that your car runs on unleaded petrol Also, your home should use sources。

“环境保护”你只会说英语 protect our environment,or Environment protection吗把下面的英语反复背诵,对于丰富你的“环保”英语表达帮助极大,又可以训练英语口语Well,when we say We should protect our environment,we。

关于环保的英语对话篇一 杰克 I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution我觉得我们国家最大的环境问题是空气污染凯西 Yes, I agree The air here is much more polluted than i。

标签: #关于环境保护的英语口语对话