英语口语8000句 商谈:指出错误常用口语句子
◎我觉得你错了。 I think you're mistaken.
= I think you've been misled.
◎你错了。 You're wrong.
That man is Mr. Smith. (那位是史密斯先生。)
You're wrong. He's Mr. Sheehan. (你错了,他是希恩先生。)
= You're incorrect.
◎那是谁的错呀? Whose fault is that?
= Whose fault is it?
= Who's to blame?
◎吃不着葡萄就说葡萄是酸的(还嘴硬!) I think it's sour grapes.
*sour grapes是意为“酸葡萄”、“不认输”的惯用表达方式。它来自有名的伊索寓言。“狐狸看到树上长满了诱人的葡萄,可是怎么也够不着时,就说那葡萄是酸的,算了吧。”狐狸嘴硬,但却不得
不死心。 I think it's a case of sour grapes.
◎那随你的便。 That's up to you.
*up to... 表示“随……的便”、“由……决定”。
Should I buy a red car or a blue car? (我是买红色的汽车还是买蓝的?)
That's up to you. (那就随便你喽。)
= You choose.
= You decide.
◎你没说到点儿上。 That's not the point.
He's poor because he's lazy. (他很穷是因为他很懒。)
That's not the point. (你没说到点儿上。)
= That's not the issue.
= That's not what I'm talking about.
◎对不起,那是我的。 Excuse me. That's mine.
That doesn't belong to you. (那不是你的。)
Excuse me, that's not yours. (对不起,那不是你的。)
I think that belongs to me. (我想那是我的。)
标签: #英语口语8000句安卓版