英语口语视频五人_英语口语五人情景对话范文 带翻译

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第一场Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum 妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里Little Red Riding Hood唱着歌,欢快地跑进来Hi,mummy, what are you doing?Mum 一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说;your American friends are visiting xi#39an,and you are the guideyou are expected to pick them up in the airport,book hotel roomA旁白 B你LiMing C朋友LiXia C朋友Lucy DLucy的朋友MaryAToday is。

老师老实说,你吸烟吗男生 a 不吸老师不吸嗯,吃根薯条吧男生 a 很自然地伸出两根手指夹着接过来老师不吸叫家长来 场景二 老师 吸烟吗男生 b 不吸老师不吸嗯,吃根;A Hi everyone!B Hi!C Do you guys know christmas is coming?D Yes, definatly What is your plan,E?E I will go on a holiday with my family What about you?D Oh, I will probably go out。

Stan hey dude, what#39s up?Eminem yo, not much dog, you?S kind of suck, i got fired for banging my boss#39s secretaryE is she hot? good for you dog you got any plans?S yeah, i think i;解说篮球比赛用的一些常用口语英文想要找全一下解说篮球比赛用的一些常用口语英文从游戏视频都可以收集到我英文不好,听不懂 解说篮球比赛用的一些常用口语英文想要找全一下 解说篮球比赛用的一些常用口语英文 从游戏视频都。

A Nowadays, it’s a very common thing that parents can’t understand their children wellB What do you think about that?It is there is not a day for two daysC I think it’s because most。


A What do you think is the best way of travelling is?B I think aeroplane is by far the best wayA Why do you think so?B Because it is the fastest and the safestA Of course it is when。

链接 提取码 2ti1 幼儿英语口语视频教程20集,入门小学,百度网盘162M8标清视频。

Peter Yup, Paul, they are right behind you彼得喏,保罗,他们就在你后面 Mark Here they are Wat#39s up, man?马克就在那里,你们好啊John Wat#39s up, Mark?约翰你好,马克 Matthew Yea, wat#39s。

Meg said seriously 1 quotGirls, it is time to get up and read earlyquot2 Mom wants us to cherish these books, read these books, we should act now3 Although we have done very seriously before, since。



六人行,行不行啊其中应该有5人的片段的演起来应该很轻松 参考资料200703html。

关于简单英语对话故事1 TerryHi there! My namersquos Terry Graham Yoursquore new around here, huh?嗨,你好我叫泰利 格雷厄姆你是新来的吧?MaryYes My namersquos Mary Benson I just started。

英语口语视频五人_英语口语五人情景对话范文 带翻译

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