
EnglishTutorship 144 0

1、A This is the house I want to rentA这是我想租的房子B Could you tell me the advantages of it?B你能告诉我它的优点吗?A No problem First, it#39s comfortable and cozy Second, it has a l。

2、1How are you doing?你好吗2How#39s life treating you?日子过得还算惬意吗3What#39s up?有什么新鲜事儿4How#39s everything?一切都好5Nice to meet you很高兴见到你6I。


3、1maryexcuse me what time does the next bus for boston leave?打搅一下,请问下一班到波士顿的公共汽车是几点开?peterit leaves at 830在8点半开车2maryi see are there any seats available?我。

4、英语小对话二人组10句第一组Where are you from?你来自哪里I#39m from China我来自中国How old are you?你多大了I#39m twenty years old我20了Where is your hometown?你的家乡在哪里My hometown is。

5、大学两人英语对话短文1 SerenityHi, waiter Can you come over here?嗨,服务员能麻烦过来下吗?WaiterOf course, what is the matter, sir?好的,什么事,先生?SerenityCan you make out what this is?你。

6、AHi, Blair!BHi, Marry! Glad you could make itAWe are having a dance party I hope you will enjoy yourselfBThanksAMay I have the honor of this dance?BI think I#39ll sit out the。

7、两人英语对话作文范文 A Stone Corp Hi, Mary speaking 公司您好,我是MaryB Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr Hunter, please 你好,我想找Hunter先生A May I ask who is calling, please。

8、AHello,I#39m Jenny你好,我叫詹妮BHi,I#39m Jane你好,我叫简AWhat do you like?你喜欢做什么BI like swimming And you?游泳你呢AMe tooWhat#39s your favorite food?和你一样你最喜欢的。

9、A祝你生日快乐Happy birthday to you!B谢谢ThanksThank youA你生日想要什么What do you want for your birthday?B我想要一辆新的自行车I want a new bicycleA让我们一起去买吧let#39s。

10、当你与朋友深处英语国家,两个人的日常对话是改用英语交流还是母语呢?下面就由我为大家带来两人英语对话,希望大家能有所收获两人英语对话family ALook! It#39s your father!B Where?AWhy you so scan? your。

11、和朋友交流谈话时,你会和它说到何种程度下面是我给大家整理的适合2个人的简单的英语对话,供大家参阅!适合2个人的简单的英语对话女人就是麻烦 杨 Woman is problem!女人就是麻烦!李 Why? You cannot say so if。

12、简单英语2人对话likes and dislikes A do you like animals? I really like dogsB so do i I donrsquot like catsA why? I think cats are okB I canrsquot bear being near cats They。

13、Ahello,What are you doing?你好你在干什么BNothing没什么 AAre you sad orbored?你是伤心或者无聊吗BNo,I can’tfind my penI lose itI’m in a hurry Can you help me?我找不到我的笔了。

14、JohnHello,Mike!MikeHi,John!It#39s a nice day,isn#39t it?JohnYeah,and where are you going?MikeI#39m going shopping,and you?JohnI#39m going to my granny#39sWhat do you want to buy?MikeI want to。

15、AHello!Nice to meet you!My name is LucyBNice to meet you too!I#39m LilyALily,How old are you?BI#39m 12What about you?AOh,I#39m older than youI#39m 13What do you always do after class。

16、你好,对话为PeterP,JackieJPHey,Jackie,are you free now?JHi,PeterYup,I am free,what#39s up?PShall we go to the movies?JThat sounds awesomePMmm,so let#39s go now,OK?JOK,here。


17、Hi, Jack I haven#39t met you for ages好久不见了 Oh, hi JIm How are you?嗨~最近怎么样了Fine It#39s just nothing special What about you挺好的,没什么特别的事,你呢I am okay I am just。

标签: #二人英语对话6句