1、篇一初中英语口语对话范文 ADo you like China?A你喜欢中国吗?BYes,I like it very muchB是的,很喜欢AAre you used to Chinese food?A你吃得惯中国的饭菜吗?BYes,I amB是的,我吃得惯。
2、我想把这笔钱存到银行里I want to deposit this money in the bank现在利息很高,我们应该在银行存点钱The interest is rather high, so we should save some money in the bank我们没有钱可以攒起来We hav。
3、初一级简单英语对话一 Jack Hi I’d like to cash some traveler’s checks and change some currencyn 货币 Then I need a cashier’s check银行本票 made out开出,填写 to the IRS美国国税局Clerk Sure。
4、一吃午饭 BoBoI#39m hungry,Mom妈妈,我饿了Is lunch ready?午餐准备好了吗?MomYesWash your hands first好了先去洗手BoBoWhat#39s good for lunch?中午有什么好吃的?MomBeef,eggs and tomatoes牛肉。
5、初中生基本英语对话篇一 hold one#39s tongue 保持沉默 AIs he the man Jenny often goes out with?A他就是那个和珍妮经常一块儿出去的人吗?BOh, yes But hold your tongue He#39s stealing a look at。
6、初一英语情景对话打电话 A Hello, B Hello! Is that Tom?A Yes, speakingB Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hospitalA Oh, Irsquom sorry to hear thatB I want to see him。
7、关于初中两人英语对话篇一 ADo you like China?A你喜欢中国吗?BYes,I like it very muchB是的,很喜欢AAre you used to Chinese food?A你吃得惯中国的饭菜吗?BYes,I amB是的,我吃得惯A。
8、初一英语幽默对话1 JackGood morning!早上好!AnnGood morning!You look tired早上好!你看上去很疲惫JackI couldn#39t sleep last night我昨晚睡不着AnnWhy?为什么?JackI worried about the finals我担心期末。
9、一位新同学初中英语对话 BoBoGood morning,teacher老师,早上好TeacherGood morningAre you a new pupil?早上好你是位新同学吗?BoBoYes,I am是的TeacherWelcomeWhat is your name?欢迎你你叫什。
10、初一问路指路的英语对话一 MExcuse me, but can you tell me where the library is?对不起,打扰一下,您能告诉我图书馆在哪里吗?SSorry I#39m not from around here很抱歉我不是这里的人MThanks。
11、AHelloBHiAHolidays are cominHow are youBFine,and youAI#39m fine tooWhat are you going to do during th e holidayBI am going to take a tripAGood ideaWhen do you plan。
12、初一英语专题 补全对话 1补全对话,一空一词 A Hello!B Hi, is that Paul? This is Nick, your new classmateA Hi, Nick! Where you?B At Therersquos a new at the Capital Cinema Do you。
13、走在初中校园里,我们在校道上,练习着今天的英语对话下面是初中英语口语对话练习,一起来了解下吧初中英语口语对话练习Is there a hellipnear here? 这附近有一个helliphellip? Wherersquos the。
14、一hello!what#39s your name?I#39m xxx My name is xxx Nice to meet you Nice to meet you,tooI want to make friends with 二Hi !How are you?I#39m fineThank you And you?I#39。
15、AHi,how are you?BI don#39t very fineAWhat#39s wrong with you ?BI took a walk with my dog yesterdayI saw he playing with another dog in the gardenAAnd?BAt last I can#39t find my dog。
16、LiLiHello,BoBo!BoBoHello,LiLi!LiLiHow are you?BoBoI#39m fine,thank youAnd you?LiLiVery well,thanksHow many people are there in your family,BoBo?BoBoThere are threeFather。
17、两人对话 AGood evening!What can I do for you?BI#39m looking for a pair of black shoesAWhat size do you want?BSize 10ASorry,I afraid we haven#39t got any black shoes in that size at the。
标签: #初一英语口语对话