
EnglishTutorship 221 0

有关大学二人英语对话1 AMay I know where you are going?请问,你要去哪儿?BYes I want to go to Beijing Hotel我要去北京宾馆AI#39m sorry You are going in the wrong direction对不起你坐反方向。


大学二人英语对话篇1 Eric Do you like Korean songs?你喜欢韩国歌曲吗?Zicci Yes, very much Chae Yeon is my favorite singer是的,非常喜欢蔡妍是我最喜欢的歌手Eric Really? How much do you know。

大学二人英语对话1 Tom I really enjoy itThe old Chinese classics are deeply attracting me我非常喜欢这些古老的中国名著深深吸引着我Bob What is your favorite book?你最喜欢的是哪本书?Tom It’s hard。

一 James Hello?詹姆士你好?Linda Hi, is James there please?琳达 你好,请问詹姆士在吗?James Yes Who#39s calling?詹姆士好的,请问您是哪位?Linda Linda琳达 琳达James One moment please詹姆士。

大学英语2人对话短文带翻译二 TomDo you want to eat some cucumbers for dinner?晚饭想吃黄瓜吗?LilySure We can make a salad太好了,我们可以做个沙拉TomAfter six o#39clock, it#39s 20% off黄瓜六。

篇一 Dennis What the heck! He cut himself呀呀的他居然给自己动刀子Lorry What’s going on? Who got cut? I’ve got BandAid发生什么了?谁割伤了?我有邦迪Dennis Relax It’s this cool doctor。

大学两个人初次见面的英语对话1 JAKE Hi! My name is Jake We haven#39t met before, have we?DEBBIE No, we haven#39t! My name is DebbieJAKE Nice to meet you, Debbie!DEBBIE Nice to meet you。

A祝你生日快乐Happy birthday to you!B谢谢ThanksThank youA你生日想要什么What do you want for your birthday?B我想要一辆新的自行车I want a new bicycleA让我们一起去买吧let#39s。

在英语课堂中在英语课堂中,为学生创设真实的语言情景,让学生在情境中感知理解并运用语言,对于激发学习兴趣趣,培养学生的跨文化交际意识和语言运用能力尤为重要我精心收集了两个人的简单英语对话,供大家欣赏学习! 两个人的简单英语对话。


大学生活英语对话2人带翻译AWith the development of computer technology, the Internet has become more and more popular随着计算机技术的发展,互联网越来越受欢迎BYeah, but do you think students should surf。

大学英语口语测试二人对话如下AHello,BLong time no seeHow are you?B长时间不见了你怎么样?BI am fine,thank you,and you?我很好,你呢?AI am fine,too我也很好BWhere have you been。

AWhat is your feeling toward your life in university?BIt#39s wonderfulI have made lots of friends here and learned to take care of myself wellAWell, can you learn knowledge all by yourself?BOf。

a i#39m so upset nowbwhy? Anything bad happened?ano,it#39s justcollege life is not like what i#39ve pitcured i con#39t get used to it it was so much better in highschool besides, i#39。

PhilAh,ha ha ha!TomWhat’s so funny,Phil?Why are you laughing?PhilI just heard the funniest joke I’ve ever heard!Ha ha ha!TomTell me!PhilOkayTwo muffins were baking in an ovenOne muffin。

MIKEHey Daniel,do you want to see my holiday photos?Beautiful,aren’t they?迈克丹尼尔,想看我假期游玩的照片吗?很漂亮,你看是不是?DANIELMaybe later?丹尼尔等会行么?MIKENonsense!I’ve got loads to。


be with youthank you Anot at all see you on saturdayBsee you额,那个地方叫江津,有很多古镇,你可以自己随便改,没什么大关系的我也是编的,A是相对难的,B句子都比较短,也更简单希望可以帮到你啦。

标签: #大学生英语对话二人20句