
EnglishTutorship 388 0

1、篇一五人英文对话文稿 AHello,everybody, my name is A,I am a reporter from the student union , and I want to have an interview for you , Do you have timeBCDE Yes I doA So B, How do。

2、在英语口语对话场景的练习中,有很多话题都是在日常生活中使用最多的寒暄对话下面我就分享了初中英语口语20篇对话场景,供大家参考1问候 1AGood morningafternooneveningHelloHiHow do you do ?Nice to mee。

3、下面我就分享了小学英语口语情景对话20篇,供大家参考 一问候 Tom Hello 汤姆你好 John Hello 约翰你好 Tom My name is Tom I#39m in Class 1, Grade 3 汤姆我叫汤姆我在三年级一班 John My name。

4、下面是我整理的初一英语口语对话场景20篇,供大家参考 一饭前准备 AWhat would you like for Breakfast? 早餐你想吃什么? BHow about noodles? 吃面怎么样? AOK,Would you help me set the table?好的,你能帮我准。

5、bobduh苯的意思 ! cazbecase的口语 allen is the most weird guy in our gradejack yeah, but i heard that he got in fight last night, and i saw he went to office this morningBob poor。

6、EthabellaHere#39s the hotel, Amber Do you need any help? AmberNo, that#39s quite alright Thanks for the offer EthabellaDon#39t mention it I#39ll come by Sunday morning at 0700 We eat breakfast。

7、AThen,where is the hospital?BFirst,turn leftNext,go straight for one minutesThen turn right at the traffic lightLast go straight for three minutesThe hospital is on the rightAThank you very。

8、梁山伯酷爱口语师从口语老师邓大付学习美国口语,尤其擅长模仿马丁?路德?金的演讲旁白暂停,邓英文“I have a dream ”祝英台一心梦想出国,梦想有朝一日成为BBC主持人旁白暂停,祝英文“this is BBC最终。

9、sure, but I think he is about 60quot那个你问题表达的不是很明确我大概估计你是要这个? 他们5个人在讨论成龙纯个人手打无复制如果我问提理解错了回答不好欢迎追问还有,我在美国这是美式口头英语。

10、1dudewhat are you hearing right now?2Rap music 1Reallywho#39s song?2The slim Eminem1oh shitHis shit is i heard you were talking about my boy,Eminem。

11、In this conversation, Sally Fraser, a Human Resources officer for a mediumsize hotel on the West coast, is interviewing Victoria Jones for a position as night managerSally I see from your resume that you。


12、英语对话场景一直是初二学生英语学方面比较薄弱的部分,很多英语对话场景会读会背,却不太会使用下面是我整理的初二英语对话场景20篇,供大家参考 1晚饭做什么吃? AMy dear, what#39s for supper?亲爱的,晚饭做什么吃? BRed。

13、需要一段大约5分钟的5人英语情景对话 不要太难的初3水平最好老师要求做对话找不到好题材5个人的啊ni你说我看看y有无人肯回答?只要答案被采纳就追加50分啊 不要太难的初3水平最好 老师要求做对话找不到好题材5。

14、A What do you think is the best way of travelling is?B I think aeroplane is by far the best wayA Why do you think so?B Because it is the fastest and the safestA Of course it is when。


15、At present, English play a more and more important role in the world First of all, it#39s wellknow for regarding as the global language You can travel anywhere in the world if you speak English The。

16、A what is going to happen? So quiet?B I dont know!C Let wait and see~D Hush~~~,quiet E Oh I have a loose bowel, where is the bath room ~~~!A,B,C,D Shit ~~~。

17、Stan hey dude, what#39s up?Eminem yo, not much dog, you?S kind of suck, i got fired for banging my boss#39s secretaryE is she hot? good for you dog you got any plans?S yeah, i think i。

标签: #英语口语对话五人场景20篇