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2、学生们也可以使用话题作文书来练习,把作文题目当成口语练习的话题,在反复进行口语话题练习法之后再整理成书面形式的话题作文,这样就不仅提高了口语能力,还大大提高了英语写作能力 4英语口语训练的方法 一注重语法,发音准确 要想把。



4、高考英语口语的考试内容分为四个部分1朗读 一个英语故事上用星号标出100 150字的一两段, 让考生大声读出来考签上单设一项,印出几个句子专门供朗读使用2就所读的故事回答问题用英语 这篇故事或短文。


5、give yourself time to arrange some rest and relaxation, not only can we maintain the passion to learn, but also make our body will not be too tired 2 Beijing Olympic Games the Chinese people the greates。

6、英语口语测试考试内容如下1英语口语考试分两部分 第一部分是以一篇小短文为基础,要求考生朗读指定部分,并能在不看短文的情况下回答主考老师就短文内容提出的若干问题第二部分是就日常生活或简单的社会问题提出一个可。

7、1What’s your opinion of “the cycle of life”?The continuing cycle of life, that is new life born and death is the reality of man’s existence We should be brave and calm when we face deathIt。


9、考试技巧1多问细听慢回答 英语口语考试对考生的基本要求是在生活社交的场合能与外籍人士进行沟通和交流每年的考试标准都是统一的,不会忽高忽低初级考生最容易犯的问题是紧张考前最需要解决的是调节心理状态韩。

10、同学你的题目有点难看懂饿 1我理解是的现代社会是否过分地注重外表it is not fair to say people put excessive focus on outer appearance in modem society,it#39s their talent that dirve mankind to care。

11、那个省的啊,我找这个是广州的,如果需要别得请追问,望采纳广州中考英语口试历届试题第一套一 用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文5分Most of us think that people are the most important things on earth。

12、1 I can remember that was my bother, who study in the collage ,showing me around the campusBcause I am the green hand,I don#39t know much of my new schoolHe show me the way to the canteen,t。

13、It is often difficult for a student to decide whether he shall have roommates or not But for a college student, the advantages of having roommates always outweigh the disadvantages Those who object to。

14、I’dlike to live with my parents when they are old because of three reasonsFirstand foremost, they are the people who share the most intimate relationship withme They brought me up, and I am responsible。

15、I support this planIn my opinion, it#39s very conveinent to go shopping in big shopping centerFirstly,instead of going different places far from each other,you can buy whatever you need to buy in the。

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