
EnglishTutorship 394 0

20句简单的英语口语对话,如下1Hello, 你好2 Hi, 喂,你好3 Good morning afternoonevening 早上下午晚上好4 How are youthis morningafternoonevening? 你今天早晨下午晚上好吗?5;小学英语口语情景对话一 Linda Wow ! Look at that !琳达 哇!看那!Joy That#39s Tower Bridge乔伊 这是塔桥Linda It#39s marvelous This is the first time I#39ve seen the bridge琳达 真了不起!这;教学是一种创造性劳动写一份优秀教案是设计者教育思想智慧动机经验个性和教学艺术性的综合体现下面是我整理的#39关于小学英语情景对话,欢迎大家参考!Catch the mouse 捉老鼠 Coco I don#39t want to go;4人英语短对话带翻译advantages and disadvantages of oral English test CI#39m busy preparing for my spoken nglish exam 我在忙着准备我的英语口语考试呢 AIt? it must be tough 是吗?那一定很辛苦吧。

1 Hello, hellip 你好2 Hi, hellip 喂,你好3 Good morning afternoonevening 早上下午晚上好4 How are youthis morningafternoonevening? 你今天早晨下午晚上好吗?5 Fine, thank you;小学英语对话短文一 ALike to come over to our fancy dress party?BOh, what a shame! I have a class tomorrowAWell, then join us some other timeBYeah Thanks And have fun!小学英语对话短文;小学生的日常对话如下AWhat are you doing?BI#39m playing gamesCI#39m listening to musicDI am reading a bookA你们在干什么?B我在玩游戏C我在听音乐D我在看书英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的;buddies 4what#39s new? 3I#39m so homesick ,so I returned 2we missed you ,too 3thanksIt#39s lunch time now,what about eating together? 42why not ? 3ok ,let#39s go and it#39s on me;常用英语口语对话 篇4 AHello! I’m Miss Lee 你好,我是李老师 B Hello! I’m Anna 你好,我是安娜 A How do you do ? 你好? B How do you do? 你好? A Glad to meet you ! 见到你很高兴! B Glad;AWhat time is it,please?请问现在几点BIt#39s one o#39cilck1点钟Awhat#39s this?这是什么BIt#39s an eraser它是一个橡皮擦SalesmanMay I help you?我能帮助你吗ADo you have;一问候 Tom Hello 汤姆你好 John Hello 约翰你好 Tom My name is Tom I#39m in Class 1, Grade 3 汤姆我叫汤姆我在三年级一班 John My name is John I#39m in Class 1, Grade 3, too 约翰;第一题 选A 第二题 选B,圣诞节快乐作为回答,圣诞节是所有人的节日,所以也应该说merry Christmas 望采纳。

而你不想回答时可以说 quotHow come?quot 相当于quotWhy do you ask that?quot 也就是说 quotIt#39s of your business! quot以上就是关于常见的英语口语的相关分享,希望对大家有所帮助,想要了解更多内容,欢迎及时关注本平台。


Peter Good morning everyone What a fine day! How beautiful the green lawn is!Bird Good morning, PeterPeter Good morning, BirdBird It’s a fine morning, isn’t it! All is calm All is。

2Hey 4,it#39s you ,long time no see4How are you?2Fine ,thanks and you?4Im fine toohey ,is that 2oh ,I can#39t believe my eyes ,that#39s 3 42hey,3,come here 3Oh my god !4。

标签: #英语口语对话场景20篇小学4年级