
EnglishTutorship 335 0

简单两人英语小对话 travel A Hi, Mark! Long time no see!B Hi, Alex!A Where have you been?BI just got back from LondonAHow was your flight?BIt was OK There was a lot of turbulence;两人简单英语情景对话1MaryLong time no see好久不见EdwardYeah! It#39s great running into you again是啊,又遇到你了,真高兴MaryWhat have you been up to recently? Pretty busy?最近怎么样,忙不忙。

在英语课堂中在英语课堂中,为学生创设真实的语言情景,让学生在情境中感知理解并运用语言,对于激发学习兴趣趣,培养学生的跨文化交际意识和语言运用能力尤为重要我精心收集了两个人的简单英语对话,供大家欣赏学习! 两个人的简单英语对话;1I have left my key in my room, and now i cannot get in could you open the door for me?我把钥匙落在了屋里,进不了屋,你能帮我把门打开吗?That#39s what i am here for我来这儿就是干这个的2。

简单的日常英语双人对话去野餐 W Good morning, Jim!M Good morning, Emma! A lovely day, isn#39t it?W Yes, it is The sun is shining There is no wind, only a pleasant breezeM It is the;两人简单英语对话短文1 AWhat happened?发生了什么事?BI don#39t know我不知道ALet#39s stop and have a look我们停下来去看看吧BDon#39t waste time别浪费时间了AI#39m curious about that我很。


适合两人的英语对话短文篇1 Marty Are you all ready for Christmas?Jack Are you kidding? I haven#39t even started I#39ve done zero shoppingMarty Well, you#39d better getting going, Christmas is only a;英语情景对话课是指在英语教学中,创设一定的话题情景或社交活动的情景场面,通过师生互动或生生互动的语言交流活动,来实现学生语言知识的掌握听说交际能力素质的培养及提高的目标我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习!1 Steven wants。

二人组英语小对话一 TeacherJim, you did well in the exam Keep working hard老师吉姆,你考的都很好继续努力Jim Hmm I#39m sorry, Ms Smith Please forgive me for cheating in the exam。


两个人的简单英语对话篇1 Todd So, Shuan, you took a cruise and the cruise left the US 托德肖恩,你之前乘坐了游轮,游轮是从美国出发的 Shuan It left yeah It left Florida 肖恩对,是从佛罗里达州出发的。

二人2分钟旅游英语对话二 LucyWhat can I do for you, sir?有什么能为您效劳的吗, 先生?AdamHi, I#39m staying in room 528 and I#39d like a wakeup call tomorrow morning你好,我住五二八房间, 请明早。

关于两人简单的英语对话篇一 T hi, Bettywhat#39s up?你好,贝蒂最近怎么样?B nothing special how about you? Are you used to the life here in the States?一切如故你呢?在美国生活得还习惯吗?T evertyth。


1、简单英语2人对话likes and dislikes A do you like animals? I really like dogsB so do i I donrsquot like catsA why? I think cats are okB I canrsquot bear being near cats They。

2、2分钟二人英语对话篇一 Health and Fitness 运动健身 dialogue 1 A good afternoon, madam How can I help you?下午好,女士有什么能为您效劳吗?S well, I am a little bit out of shape I think I should。

3、在英语学习的过程中越来越突出的一个问题是英语口语的滞后,有些写作,阅读能力都非常优秀的学生却在用英语与人交流的时候出现了障碍我精心收集了关于两分钟英语对话范文,供大家欣赏学习!关于两分钟英语对话范文篇1 安 Jane。

4、AHello,BLong time no seeHow are you?你好,B长时间不见了你怎么样BI am fine,thank you,and you?我很好,谢谢你呢AI am fine,too我也很好BWhere have you been?I have not seen you。

5、两人简单的英语对话短文1 AIrsquom starving to death What about you?我饿死了你呢?BYeah, Irsquom starving too! Where do you want to have dinner?我也是,我快饿死了你想去哪儿吃?AI do。

标签: #英语小对话二人组2分钟简单