
EnglishTutorship 181 0

1、20句简单的英语口语对话,如下1Hello, 你好2 Hi, 喂,你好3 Good morning afternoonevening 早上下午晚上好4 How are youthis morningafternoonevening? 你今天早晨下午晚上好吗?5。

2、简单日常英语口语对话1 W=Woman M=Man W Hi Dave Sorry Do you mind?嗨,大卫,对不起,你介意吗?M Sorry?怎么了?W We don#39t smoke in the house我们不能在屋里吸烟M Oh, sorry about that。

3、在英语口语对话场景的练习中,有很多话题都是在日常生活中使用最多的寒暄对话下面我就分享了初中英语口语20篇对话场景,供大家参考1问候 1AGood morningafternooneveningHelloHiHow do you do ?Nice to mee。

4、初次见面英文口语对话1 JAKE Hi! My name is Jake We haven#39t met before, have weDEBBIE No, we haven#39t! My name is Debbie?JAKE Nice to meet you, Debbie!?DEBBIE Nice to meet you, too。

5、英语当今世界上的通用语言,英语也是我们学生的必学科目,学习英语除了应对考试也是为了在日常生活中的应用,接下来分享一些英语口语场景对话,供同学们参考学习一吃午饭 BoBoI#39m hungry,Mom妈妈,我饿了Is lunch。

6、简短英语口语对话Lily Ann,I want to learn the financial accounting, what do you think?安,我想学财务会计,你觉得怎样?Ann Not bad, it is a good profession不错啊,这是不错的行业Lily But you know。

7、1How are you doing? 你好吗?2How’s life treating you? 日子过得还算惬意吗?3What’s up? 有什么新鲜事儿?4How#39s everything? 一切都好?5Nice to meet you 很高兴见到你6I hope we’ll。

8、1 Hello, my name is Peter, nice to meet you Hello, my name is Mike, nice to meet you too2 Where are you from? I am from China, what about you?3 How are you doing? I am。

9、日常英语交际用语基本口语对话 Absolutely impossible! 绝对不可能的All I have to do is learn English 我所要做的就是学英语Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗Are you used to the food here? 你习惯吃。

10、初中英语中的对话教学是整个初中英语教学中培养学生评议交际能力的一个必不可少的组成部分而培养学生的口头交际能力是初中英语教学的的主要目的之一我整理了英语口语情景对话,欢迎阅读!英语口语情景对话一 经典句型The。

11、对话1提供 和应答 Offers and responses 1 May I help you? Oh yes, thank you2 Let me help you with the bags Well, I can manage all right Thanks just the same3 Can we help。

12、It#39s very nice of you to invite me你真是太好了,请我来做客bI#39m very glad you could come, Mr Liu Will you take a seat at the head of the table? It#39s an informal dinner, please don#39t。

13、有如下1Don#39t mention it没关系,别客气2Who knows!天晓得3It is not a big deal!没什么了不起4Easy does it慢慢来5Don#39t push me别逼我6Come on!快点,振作起来7Have a。


14、成长于政治世家的人在用英语对话时,十之谈话的内容深度和成长于农村的孩子是不一样的下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!animals A I was just watching a documentary on tv about people us dogs for various。



标签: #初级英语口语对话