
EnglishTutorship 82 0

1、scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, such as air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources, to which we must some solutionsModern science and technology render people many advantages Modern telecommunication shor。

2、Modern technology makes life more convenienttools are the milestores of the technology as well as human beings progress现代科技使生活更加便捷工具是科技进步和人类进步的里程碑Men used to cut trees with hand sawBut now,by using electronic saw they can cut down a tree in only。

3、要迅速提高我国的生产力水平,缩小与发达国家的差距,就必须加快发展科学技术创新是一个国家和民族发展的不竭动力大力发展科技,同时注重创新,对一个国家的发展意义深远 创新是引领发展的第一动力,科技是战胜困难的有力武器全社会高度重视科学技术发展,把科技创新摆在社会发展全局的核心位置近年来。

4、方法步骤 1首先画4个并排的小圆,在内涂上不同的颜色,然后写上科技小报,下方画一个正在准备起飞的火箭飞船,在右下方画一个穿着宇航服的小孩,在四周画一些星球2然后给星球们画上斑纹装饰,将火箭飞船涂上颜色3接着火箭飞船喷出的火和烟雾涂上色4继续将其他的星球涂上颜色5。

5、Besides, permanent stations will be set up in the moon or other planets or stars so that scientists can make a thorough study of the moon and other planets or star 此外,还将在月球或其他行星或恒星上建立永久观测站,以便科学家对月球和其他行星或恒星进行深入研究Most probably life。

6、6年级上册英语手抄报如下英语是一门重要的国际语言,学好英语对于我们的成长和未来发展非常重要一英语的重要性 英语作为一门全球通用语言,在国际交流商务往来科技创新等方面具有重要地位学好英语可以帮助我们更好地了解世界拓宽视野,与世界各地的人进行有效的沟通和交流此外,掌握英语还有。

7、2线稿绘画完成后,开始用记号笔或者勾线笔进行勾线了,勾线一定要一笔到位,千万不要涂改,保证画面的干净3 用马克笔配上彩铅进行上色能让画面显得层次丰富用马克笔绘画上色大的色调4绘画边框,一张漂亮的英文手抄报离不开边框的修饰5最后一步绘画背景,和用彩铅绘画出一些细节这样。

8、I#39m wangNan,a student of No1 Middle School I have a gooa friend,JimHe#39 an USA girlWe are both in Class Two,Grade EightShe is 15 years old,one year older than me We both study hardI#39m good at physices,but she#39s good at mathWe often help each other with。



11、HighTech Expo will be quietly into the footsteps of our campus, the annual quotscientific and technological Monthquot activities started!We look forward to the most interesting is the HighTech Expo will be it! Day after day passed, and finally to Saturdays! It is with emotion sitting。



13、五角星可以用黄色涂一下,叶子可以用绿色涂,边框可以用红色蓝色紫色橙色黄色绿色和粉色涂一下可以在边框里画上横线,最后整理一下,这样一幅简单的思维导图手抄报就完成了英语 英语属于印欧语系日耳曼语族西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的。

14、Not long ago, many people believed that babies only wanted food and to be kept warm and dry Some people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old不久之前,许多人认为婴儿的基本需求是食物和保持温暖干燥人们以为婴儿只有到了五六个月大的。

15、Yao Ming 11 Position C Born Sep 12, 1980 Height 75 2,26 Weight 296 lbs 134,3 kgFrom China 200405 Statistics PPG 183 RPG 840 APG 08 EFF + 2060 Ranked third in NBA field goal percentage in 200405 with a 552 average threetime NBA All。


16、由于字数限制,下一段一会发给你 An Expedition 一次远证 Half an hour before daybreak three of the boys assembled, as they agreed, near the old bridge The fourth, a boy by the name of Tolly, had not turned up His absence did not greatly surprise the others They knew。

17、1新北京, 新奥运 New Beijing, Great Olympics 2同一个世界,同一个梦想 One World One Dream 3绿色奥运,科技奥运,人奥运 Green Olympics, Hightech Olympics, People’s Olympics 4奥林匹克格言更快更高更强 Olympic motto Citius, Altius, Fortius Faster, Higher, Stronger5。

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