
EnglishTutorship 41 0

国庆英语手抄报文案如下The national day is a designated date on which celebrations mark the nationhood of a country, often the national day will be a national holidayThe national day is often taken as the date on which a state or territory achieved independence, other dates such。

英语国庆节手抄报的内容介绍如下1国庆即将来临The National Day is coming drawing near2人们载歌载舞庆祝国庆Singing and dancing, people celebrated National Day3国庆日当天,我丈夫和我们的一些朋友开车进城去看焰火表演On the Fourth of July, my husband and our friends drove。

1国庆节手抄报可以画上一些国旗星星国徽之类的图案,再搭配上一些国庆节的祝福语或者是介绍简简单单就行2国庆节英语祝福语full ying guo, woods hongye dance autumn wind the entire country is behind qi, and the homesheng everything this grand festival will bring you。




标签: #英语手抄报五年级国庆节