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  As mentioned in many of our previous articles, it's usually those little words that make your English stand out. If you haven't seen those articles, here ?? are some of them:

  Jack之前多次提到,在英语里往往是那些‘微不足道’的小词才让你的英语高人一筹。如果没有读到过那些帖子,戳开?? 的链接自己补补课吧。

  ?? Phrasal Verbs with ‘make’动词短语 之 ‘make’

  ?? Phrasal Verbs with 'turn' 短语动词之‘turn'

  ?? Phrasal Verbs with 'see' and 'settle' 短语动词 之‘see’和‘settle'

  ?? Little words that make big difference - in, on, at 让你英语大变样的小词

  In today's article, let's look at some creative usages of the little word - on. 在今天的帖子里,我们来看关于‘微不足道’的小介词on的八种你可能还不知道的用法。

  If you find this article helpful, please help us by sharing it out in your network (WeChat or others) so that we can help more learners like you and me. 如果你觉得这些内容有帮助,请把它转发出去,让更多的人受益。你的?? 之劳是对我们莫大的支持和鼓励。

  1. to tell (someone) on someone

  - to tell a person in authority about something bad that somebody has done (from Oxford Learner's Dictionary) 其实就是‘打某人小报告’的意思

Gina said she'd tell on him if he pulled her hair again. (蓝孩纸们,有木有觉得很耳熟呀?)

Don't worry, Jack. You are my friend. I will never tell on you. 其实,Jack当初很乖的。

I'll never talk to you again if you tell my mom on me. 你懂的。



跟 tell on someone 几乎完全同义的另外一个表达是 tattle on someone (tattle发音自己查)。

  2. to quit on someone

  - to stop helping or supporting someone; to give up on someone 感觉有点‘关键时刻掉链子’的赶脚

That stupid car quit on us while we were driving in the middle of the desert. 我们正很苦B地在沙漠里开,结果那破车不争气地坏半道了。

Her knees finally quit on her right after she passed the finishing line (of the marathon). 在她冲过?? 的那一刻,她的双腿终于坚持不住了。

We've already come this far. Don't you quit on me now! 我们都走了这么远了,这节骨眼儿上你可千万别打退堂鼓。(这句话,可以用来指具象的‘旅程’,也可以指抽象的事情。)

  3. be hard on someone

  - to demand too much from someone; to be too strict to someone 对某人要求太高太过分太刻薄

Don't be so hard on him. He's just a boy.

She's a bit too hard on herself.

  - to be unfair to someone 对某人不公平

It's a bit hard on people who don't have a car.

  4. ... on your conscience

  - making you feel guilty for doing or failing to do something 差不多就是‘于心不安’ 或者 ‘良心上过不去’的意思

  In the new season of The Flash, Barry comes back from the 'Flash Point' and realizes that things are still a bit different, one difference being Cisco's brother is dead. Cisco asks Barry to run back to the past and save his brother, but Barry refuses to do so, because even if Barry could save the brother, something else will go wrong. He says ...

  美剧《闪电侠》最新一季,闪电侠跑回过去阻止了自己的仇人杀死她的母亲,但因此而创造了一个新的时空,他本来生活的时空在一点一点消失。于是他又跑回过去,眼睁睁看着自己母亲被杀害,以恢复原来的时空,结果发现一切都不一样了 -他又创造了一个时空。而在这个最新的timeline里,他的好基友Cisco的弟弟出车祸shi掉了。Cisco再三央求闪电侠回到过去,救弟弟一命,但被闪电侠‘无情’地拒绝了。因为辣样做造成新的问题,后果很严重。拒绝的时候,他说了下面这句话:


'Trust me. You don't want that on your conscience. It's a heavy burden to bear.'

  5. It's on you.

  - You are to blame 都怪你

I told you to pack the umbrella. It's on you!



  We blame someone for something(usually some mistakes), and we blame something on someone(sometimes on something, too).

  ?? 月亮惹的祸

  6. to hit on someone

  - to start talking to somebody to show them that you are sexually attracted to them 这个短语有很多意思,其中在北美英语 (美国加拿大)中经常用来表达类似于 ‘撩妹’、‘撩汉’的意思。

We went to the only night club in the town, and the guys are totally hitting on my friend. 不解释。

I can't believe he's hitting on his best friend's girlfriend. 例句纯属虚构,如有雷同也纯属巧合……

  7. to pick on someone

  - to treat somebody unfairly, by blaming, criticizing or punishing them 大概是故意‘欺负’、‘刁难’的意思

Back then, he was a notorious bully in his school. He was always picking on the other kids. 辣时候,他因为老欺负其他小孩在他的学校恶名远扬。

Before Steve Rogers became Captain America, he was just a skinny little boy from Brooklyn. Some school bullies loved picking up on him. 看过美国队长的孩纸们应该记得他被堵在角落打,然后他的好基友Bucky (后来的 Winter Soldier) 挺身相救的镜头吧?


  8. to spy on someone/something

  - to watch or observing somebody/something secretly (You know what a 'spy' is.) spy作名词意思是‘间谍’,所以这个动词短语的意思就是‘(像间谍一样) 监视某人/事’

Besides being a vigilante, Jessica Jones works as a private detective and gets hired to spy on people and their dirty businesses.

  Jessica Jones是漫威系列的一个小super hero。美队钢铁侠The Hulk这些大人物忙着跟SHIELD合作赈救地球保护全人类,而像Jessica Jones这样有点儿gift的小老百姓则出没于街头巷尾,默默地保护着自己的家园,有兴趣的孩纸们可以去看看这个系列的美剧,名字就叫Jessica Jones,挺好看的。


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