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1国庆节的英语句子 1迎国庆,我热血沸腾,心潮澎湃我国一天天强大,我们这一代要树立远大理想,为振兴中华当好接班人,做有理想有道德有文化有纪律的一代新人,让五星红旗一代又一代传承下去,为建设有中国特色社会主义而努力GreetNationalDay,myblood,fullofexcitementOurdayisstrong。


英语国庆手抄报写什么内容参考如下1国庆节起源和背景Origin and Background of National DayNational Day, also known as the Independence Day or the National Anniversary, is a significant holiday celebrated in various countries around the worldIn China, National Day marks the。

National Day is a significant event in China, celebrated annually on October first Counting down to this special day, there are still two weeks to go On the eve of National Day, people gather in the grand hall for festive celebrations To mark the occasion, public buildings。


the Chinese people stand up!2关于国庆节的英语句子 1just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing I wish you all the best and every success! ! !刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的。

1国庆节英语祝福语 1states have a home, you can have a home, you have me, i wish my dear parents happy national day! health! 有国才有家,有家才有你,有你才有我,祝我亲爱的爸妈国庆快乐!身体健康!2national day, the national day, celebrating the country the。

标签: #国庆节英语手抄报内容五年级