
EnglishTutorship 82 0

英语兔年春节手抄报内容如下I like the Chinese new year, this is a time especially for rest and joy I need not study I wear good clothes, eat good food I have a good time from morning tillnight I #39m happy as a clamThe Spring Festival, the Spring Festival is a tr。


3在两边画鞭炮,把手抄报分为几部分,画心星树叶等,反正随便4画牡丹花,蝴蝶,在周围用彩色铅笔画上薄薄的一层薄纱! 还可以1先画一个你喜欢的画边,再在四个角画四个不同的卡通小兔,在它们中间画虚线,并在虚线外写上quot兔年大吉quot2左边画一个大灯笼写上关于春节的诗3右边写上年的来历4花。



兔年春节英语手抄报内容如下Spring Festival is the most important festival in China During the Spring Festival, every family will get together to celebrate this festival together In China, different places, there are also different customsThere are many origins about the origin of th。

标签: #兔年新年英语手抄报