简单的英语小故事及翻译I Don’t Like Her Bob goes to a new schoolOne day he comes back,“Bob,do you like your new teacher” his mother asks“I don’t like her,Mother Because first she says。
The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON,oppressed by excessive thirst,saw a goblet of water painted on a signboardNot supposing it to be only a picture,she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly。
1The Person I Like Best我最喜欢的人 I have many friends,but I like Li Lei best He is a good student He always helps others He likes reading books, so he knows many things He is very helpful。
关于20字英语小短文加翻译篇一 When students go to college, they need to think about their future career, because the major they choose will decide what kind of job they will work on The better school。
标签: #英语小短文20字简单