
EnglishTutorship 80 0

1、英语面试 深入讲解自我介绍 自我介绍 简介自己,几乎是每个应聘人员都会在面试中碰到的问题也许你会想,介绍自己不就是向面试官说明自己的名字家庭状况和学历吗 但是,面试官提问的目的仅仅是想听你背诵简历内容吗 当然不是那么到底应该怎样回答这个看似简单,其实复杂的问题呢在这一课中,我们;Hello! I#x27m LiMing你好我是李明这是自我介绍通常会用到的句式;Dear examiners, judges and teachers 尊敬的各位考官各位评委老师To be able to participate in today#39s recruitment interview, for me, is lucky and precious能够参加今天的招聘面试,对我来说,是幸运而又珍贵的I am a 19yearold fresh graduate of xxx school Through three years of。

2、下面是我为大家带来的关于英语口语中自我介绍用得到的词汇的知识,欢迎阅读1当被问到怎么形容你自己 aWhat kind of person would you say you are?bHow would you describe yourself?这些都是可以用来形容你的性格的#39词汇外向的extroverted, outgoing 内向的introverted 乐观的optimistic;Hello, everybody My name is I am years old I graduated from school I have many hobbies, like 既然是口试做为一名英语教师,我建议你不要用复杂的句式能用简单就用简单的主要是表达清楚就可以了因为,你们整体的水平毕竟就在那儿呢搞不好会弄巧成拙啊;That’s all Thank you for giving me the chance这是所有谢谢你们给我这个机会自我介绍;音标h#601#712l#601#650 he , a#618m #712em#618 ,根据音标读即可中文翻译你好,我叫艾米此句是常见的自我介绍句式,通常用于初次见面;Hello, everyone! My name is *** My Chinese name is *** I am very glad to join you in this class I just graduated from senior high school I like Britain very much, so if I could study in Britain one day, I would be very happy But my English is not very good。

3、1I am 19 years earn very poor English is very 5sexual trend 6political stands 可以谈什么1profession职业工作major 2hobbybooks,sports,movies3family 4the place you were born or lived 演讲自我介绍的句式开头hello la;高中英语作文自我介绍告诉大家你叫什么,来自哪里,再说一下你的家乡2让大家绝的大家你非常高兴来这里和同学们一起学习再说现在这个学校的环境你觉得很好,所有人对你都不错4这个班集体对你来说就像一个大家庭5说一下自己的兴趣,如爬山,踢球6最后,你希望自己能很快成为大家的。


4、Good morning,ladies and gentlemen,boys and girlsNow ,It#39s my turnMy name is Edgar,a high school studentI am very honored to be here to give you a speechAlso it#39s a good chance for me to improve my EnglishI hope I can make a good performance todayThe topic of;按照这4个版块总结一下好用的句式基本信息类个人能力类研究兴趣类收尾致谢类1基本信息类 在介绍自己的基本信息之前,要打招呼,寒暄一下,俗称暖场,一到两句话即可1Good morningafternoon everyone译文老师们上午下午好这句话用以打招呼我们见过无数学生说good morning re;自我介绍英语作文Hello! My name is xx My English name is Joy I#39m 14 years old I#39m a happy girl I have a happy family My father and my mother are both office workers They#39re busy But at weekends, they always cook nice food for me I#39m happy in the family;I’m greatly honored to meet you here and give a brief selfintroduction”进行完简单的招呼之后,下面进入正题,首先我们先介绍自己的一些基本信息,比如姓名籍贯毕业院校和专业,可以用一些比较基本的句式,比如 My name is XXX, I was born in XXX In the year of XXX, I entered XX;篇一自我介绍 Selfintroduction Good morning, my admirable teacher and my dear fellows My name is Qing Cheng and I’m in my 17 years old I graduated from theTianTaoMiddle school, which is one of the best middle schools in my city Its campus is as beautiful as ours。

5、大家好,我的名字叫xx,Hello everyone, my name is XX毕业于xx小学,今年12岁了,I graduated from XX elementary school and I#39m 12year old我是一个活泼可爱的女孩,乐于助人,I#39m an outgoing and pleasant girl who enjoys helping others我特别喜欢读英语谢谢大家I love reading;当两者组合在一起I am,就是英文中的自我介绍用语,表示“我是”这种表达方式简洁明了,是英语中常用的自我介绍的表述方式在现代社交媒体或日常对话中,经常可以听到或看到这句话具体来说,当人们需要介绍自己的身份姓名或者表达自己是谁时,常常会使用I am这个句式例如,在社交场合,人们可能。

标签: #英语自我介绍句式