
EnglishTutorship 40 0

考研通用模板自我介绍 1 Good morning I am glad to be here for this interviewMy name is 名字, 年龄 I come from 城市, the capital of 省份Province I am going to graduate from the 院系 department of 大学名称University in July, 2014 In the past two years I have been;1Respected Professors,Good afternoon! I#39m great honored to meet you here2I#39m ,26 years old , born in city , ProvinceIn the year of ,I entered University, majoring in Machincal Designing and Producing During those 4 years#39study,I worked hard and I was always ac。

很荣幸能相见在此来做一个简短的自我介绍我的名字是helliphellip,出生在helliphellip省,helliphellip市2015 年,我进入了helliphellip大学, 以helliphellip为专业我思想开放,思维敏捷,非常喜欢学习大学三年的学习使我具备了深厚的专业知识,令我能够敲开理想大学的;自己在加工一下吧,祝你好运考研面试英语自我介绍1My name is I came from Huanggang of Hubei Province, I majored in Computer and I am a sophomore now, I have wide interests, such as basketball, football and so on, I am good at playing basketball My English is very。


1、关于研究生复试2分钟自我介绍模板篇一 Good morningafternoon, my dear teachers my dear professors I am very glad to be here for your interview My name is ___I am ___ years old I come from ___, a very beautiful city My undergraduate period will be accomplished in。


2、那么今天我们总结考研英语复试当中的英文自我介绍首先老师可能会用中文英文提问比如说请先介绍一下你自己的基本情况,也可能是用英文说,please introduce yourself,这个时候如果是英文的话,基本上都是可以听懂这个提问的,当然不排除有些同学的听力特别的差,所以这提问英文一定要记住呀当然不同的老师。


4、2023考研复试英语自我介绍的答题模板Good morningafternoon,honorable teachersMy name is 你的姓名,a 22yearold girlboy and I graduate from 你的大学University My major was你的专业Fouryear study in department gives me allround knowledge about专业名称In the past。

5、复试时英语自我介绍大概要200字左右,可以参考别人的考研复试英语自我介绍然后根据自己的情况,写出来,时间把握在13分钟就可以,具体例文如下Good morning,everyone! I am glad to be here for this interview First,let me introduce myself to you My name is Qin Jiayin I was born on。

6、I am XX, a graduate of XX major from XX school, majoring in mechanical engineeringI like this major very much During my college years, I learned my professional knowledge well, and my abilities have gainedIt#39s time for improvementOpportunity favors a prepared mind Constantly。


首先要介绍自己总体的方向,然后具体陈述自己感兴趣的方向下面以三个专业为例13So both the academic training I got from the university and the relevant experience inspired me to become a lawyer,especially in the penal law direction译文从大学获得的学术训练和相关的工作经验都激励。

s all, Thank you for giving me such avaluable opportunity!附注1dear teachers 属于中式英语,礼貌场合最好用 dear Madam and Sir 2大学x年级最好分别用 freshman,sophomore, junior, senior 3讲述的基本都是大学各年级的事情,应该用过去时表示4其他修改之处都放在括号里面。

准备考研复试的英文自我介绍时,你需要确保内容既简洁又全面,能够清晰地展示你的背景成就和为什么你是该项目的理想候选人以下是一些步骤和提示,帮助你准备一份出色的自我介绍开场白用一句简单的问候开始,比如“Good morningafternoon, my name is 你的名字, and I am honored to have。

考研复试自我介绍一般包括五个部分1开场白 2姓名,英文名,毕业院校,毕业专业 3 为什么想读研 4 将来愿意从事的方向,读研时的打算 5结束语每一部分都很关键,但是考生在介绍的时候也要有所侧重,有7个点必不可少开场白比较简单,一般就是一个简单的问候和寒暄,如Good morning,dear。

考研英语复试,自我介绍,给你一个范文吧Good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors I am very glad to be here for your interview my name is Song Yonghao, I am 22 years old I come from luoyang, a very beautiful accent city My undergraduate period will be。

在准备自我介绍的过程中,很多人会遇到这样的状况,一来觉得无话可说二来觉得要说的太多,无从下手三来觉得介绍的内容和形式都千遍一律而考官其实是要借此了解你的口头表达能力以及你报名表之外的一些信息三参考模板 Good morningafternoon, dear professorsteachers, I feel so glad to be。

标签: #考研复试自我介绍英文模板