
EnglishTutorship 266 0

1、advanced education 和 high education 两个都可以,只是 advanced education 比较正式。

2、primary school小学教育,secondary education中学教育,tertiary education大学教育Junior high school初中又称intermediate school和senior high school高中相当于中国的高中,1012年级或者middle school junior high。

3、Education Aducation is not an end,but a means to an endIn other words,we do not educate children only for educating themOur purpose is to fit them for lifeIn some modern countries it has been。

4、就我个人认为,大学教育是非常重要的在很大程度上决定一个人未来的成功大学教育对成功的重要性英语作文篇3 China, as a developing country, is determined to catch up with and even surpass the developed ones。


6、Education Aducation is not an end, but a means to an end In other words, we do not educate children only for educating them Our purpose is to fit them for lifeIn some modern countries it has been。

7、what do I expect my college life will be?Bringing with expectation,I imagine my college life should be very good The college is an interesting and fantastic place for us to study and live inCampus。


8、我很高兴能够接受大学教育, thanks to the allout support from my parentsFirst,他们就自己创造机会我也从老师和同学中学到了很多In this group在这个团体中中被原来越多的人分享着s and CTO’s,和他们。

9、the meaning of education Most of the countries in the world value education why? beacause education is the basic of a country nobody can deny the importance of education a person ,who has been educated。



12、Nowadays, many people have access to enjoy college education When it comes to college education, we naturally link it with one#39s future success Different people have different opinions about what a role。

13、解决问题,从而提升教育质量二我国大学英语教育评价中的问题 大学英语是当代大学生的必修科目,英语专业的学生们更是四年都在和英文单词打交道,除却他们,其他专业的学生也必然要学习这一门科目然而很多时候,在专业课。



标签: #大学教育英语